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Statistics on Teens and Sex, Birth Control, Use of Contraceptives 2006-2011

Is the declining rate of teen pregnancy and and teen birth due to increased contraceptive use? To determine the answer, data on the sexual activity and contraceptive use of teens was compiled in the report "Teenagers in the United States: Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Childbearing, 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth"released in October 2011 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The report examined not just sexual activity and contraceptive use but methods used; factors that impact contraceptive use such as age of first sexual intercourse and age difference between sexual partners; and reasons most often given by teens for not having sex. The CDC study included interviews with males and females aged 15–19 in the US in 2006–2010. The results are outlined below.

For information on the CDC's 2006-2011 statistics on teen pregnancy, teen birth, and teen sexual activity, see the article "Teenage Pregnancy, Teen Birth Rates and Teen Sex Statistics 2006-2011."

Factors Influencing Teen Contraceptive Use

During the years 2006-2010, teens age 15-19 in the United States were surveyed on their contraceptive use in the following areas:
  • Ever-use of contraceptives For sexually experienced females age 15-19, nearly all (99%) used some form of contraception at least once during sexual intercourse. These forms include condoms (96%), withdrawal (57%), the pill (55%), injectable contraception (20%), emergency contraception (14%), contraceptive patch (10%), contraceptive ring (5%), periodic abstinence-calendar (15%), and the female condom (1.5%).

  • Contraceptive use at first intercourse
    • For females age 15-19 who had sexual intercourse for the first time, 78% used some form of contraception and 22% used no method. Methods used included condoms (68%), the pill (16%), other hormonal contraception (6%), and dual use of condoms and hormonal contraceptives (15%).
    • Factors influencing contraceptive use include age of female at first sex and age difference between female and first male partner.
    • The younger a girl is when she has sex for the first time, the less likely she is to use contraceptives.
      - At age 14 or younger, only 59% of females used a form of contraception; only 53% used condoms and only 7% used the pill.
      - At age 15-16, contraceptive use increased to 83%; condom use increased to 70% and 17% used the pill.
      - At age 17-19, 90% used contraceptives; condom use increased to 80% and 23% used the pill.
    • The bigger the age difference between the female and her first sexual partner, the less likely they will use contraceptives.
      - If her male partner is the same age or younger, 83% of females use contraception; 72% use condoms and 17% use the pill.
      - If her male partner is 1 year older, contraceptive use drops to 79%; 71% use condoms and 14% use the pill.
      - If her male partner is 2-3 years older, 82% of females use contraception; 68% use condoms and 17% use the pill.
      - If her male partner is 4 or more years older, only 64% of female teens use contraception the first time she has sex; condom use drops to just 56%, and only 13% use the pill.
    • For males age 15-19 who had sexual intercourse for the first time, 85% used some form of contraception and 15% used no method. Methods used include condoms (80%), the pill (18%), other hormonal contraception (1%), and dual use of condoms and hormonal contraceptives (16%).
    • Factors influencing contraceptive use include age of male at first sex and age difference between male and first female partner.
    • The younger a boy is when he has sex for the first time, the less likely he is to use contraceptives.
      - At age 14 or younger, only 75% of males used a form of contraception; 71% used condoms and only 8% used the pill.
      - At age 15-16, contraceptive use increased to 89%; condom use increased to 82% and 20% used the pill.
      - At age 17-19, 93% used contraceptives; condom use increased to 87% and 29% used the pill.
    • The bigger the age difference between the male and his first sexual partner, the less likely they will use contraceptives.
      - If his female partner is younger, 88% of males use contraception; 80% use condoms and 14% rely on the pill.
      - If his female partner the same age, 89% of males use contraception; 85% use condoms and 16% rely on the pill. If his female partner is 1 year older, contraceptive use drops to 83%; 78% use condoms and 22% rely on the pill.
      - If his female partner is 2 or more years older, only 75% of males use contraception; condom use drops to 66% and 20% rely on the pill.
Factors Influencing Teen Abstinence
What makes a teen decide not to have sex? Females and males age 15-19 who had not had sexual intercourse were shown a list of possible responses; they were then asked to choose the most important reason for not having had sex yet.

"Against religion or morals" was the top answer for both females (41%) and males (31%).

Ranking a close second for males (29%) was "Haven't found the right person yet" while females chose this as a distant second (19%).

Of almost equal concern for females (18%) was "Don't want to get pregnant" which came in third for both genders, but only 13% of males named "Don't want to get (a female) pregnant" as a top concern.

Males and females split on the answer that came in fourth, with 9% of females (and 10% of males) choosing "Other reason" while 11% of males (and only 6% of females) chose "In a relationship, but waiting for the right time."

Neither sex ranked "Don't want to get a sexually transmitted disease" particularly high; only 8% of females and 6% of males chose this response.

"Teenagers in the United States: Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use, and Childbearing, 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth." U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Vital and Health Statistics, Series 23, Number 31, October 2011.

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