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An Angry Democrat Speaks Out

If my party does not come to a fair decision which is inclusive to Florida and Michigan - I will no longer consider myself a member of the Democratic Party.
Even thought I was raised a Democrat and raised my children as Democrats - I will turn my back on the party of my birth.
In my opinion, Senator Obama is the one holding up the decision.
Well, it is time for the two candidates to compromise on a decision and do it soon.
Senator Clinton is willing to negotiate - why won't you Senator Obama? Is it because you might lose your lead? Is this the cheap, unfair politics that you want to play? Are you going to just ignore the situation hoping it will just go away - the same way you ignored Rev.
Wright's rhetoric for the last 20 years? Do you want to become president with 3 million Democrats saying the primary process was unfair to your opponent? Do you want Florida to once again be the cause of a botched up system? If you don't make some agreement with Senator Clinton - in my opinion you won't be getting many votes from Florida in the general election, I thought you were different and could bring "red America" and "blue America" together - but no - you are driving the blue states to vote with red states.
One more point - if you sat in church for 20 years and heard all the anti-American rhetoric coming out of Rev.
Wright's mouth, without confronting him about it - I believe you are less of a man and far less of a statesman than you are trying to make us believe.
Your run for the presidency is built on lofty speeches and words - but they are just words.
I do not see you standing behind those words in this issue.
Wright's words about our country disgust me and should disgust you also.
But no - instead he became your spiritual mentor for 20 years - I still don't understand how this could be.
I feel that there is a whole side of you, that we don't really know.
I know Senator Clinton but I can't say the same about you.
I would much rather vote for someone that I know, than someone who speaks just words with no deeds to back it up.
I am so very disappointed with you - I really thought you were different but now I believe you are just another cheap politician who will say or do anything to win another election.
I have the solution for Florida and Michigan and the whole primary system - add the Electoral College votes for all the states you won and Senator Clinton won and let that stand.
But you won't agree to that because you just might lose.
Shame on you Senator Obama, shame on you - I believe your becoming president means more to you than the future of what will be left in your party.
It is my opinion, you will never be a statesman because you don't have the stuff that great statesmen are made of.

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