Health & Medical Lung Health

What Does it Mean to Have a Genetic Predisposition?

Updated January 09, 2015.

Definition: Genetic Predisposition

Genetic predisposition is an inherited risk of developing a disease or condition. Having a genetic predisposition for a disease does not mean that you will get that disease, but your risk may be higher than that of the general population.

Individuals with a family history of lung cancer in a first-degree (parent, sibling, or child) or second-degree relative (aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew) relative may have a genetic predisposition to developing the disease.

Having a genetic predisposition does not say anything about the likelihood that you will develop a condition.  In some cases having a predisposition may mean you have a 50% chance of developing that condition, whereas in others your risk may be very small and very similar to people who do not have that predisposition.

Having a genetic predisposition to a disease such as cancer can be frightening, but it may be helpful to think of this in another way if you are anxious.  If you have an increased likelihood of developing a condition you may be on alert for symptoms, and your doctor may check you more carefully than someone without that predisposition.  What this could mean is that if you do develop the disease, it may be caught earlier than if you were not watching for the disease; and in this sense, you may actually have a greater chance for surviving a condition than if you were not on the look out.  An example of this could be someone with a genetic predisposition to breast cancer.  Based on a possible increased risk you might be more likely to do breast exams, see your doctor more frequently, perhaps begin having mammograms earlier or even yearly breast MRI's.

 If you did develop breast cancer it may be detected at an earlier - and more survivable stage - than it would be in someone who is not alerted to the possibility.

Further Reading:

Also Known As: genetic susceptibility,genetic risk

Examples: Since Josh's father, uncle, and brother all had lung cancer, his doctor told him he may have a genetic predisposition for lung cancer, and should quit smoking and test his home for radon.

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