Health & Medical Mental Health

Understanding Your Dreams and Your Behavior

The dream language is always the same for all dreamers. It doesn't depend on the dreamer's opinion or on the issues that he or she is facing at the moment. The dream messages depend on the dreamer's life biography, psychological system, and daily life; not the dream language.



The dream language doesn't change, the same way that the English language doesn't change however we may use it. The messages given by the words we use always change, not the language.



The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is God's mind. This means that the dream logic is based on sanctity, while the logic of your conscience is based on selfishness and ignorance. You have to learn the dream logic and follow the divine guidance contained in your dreams based on the dream logic, and not based on the logic you usually follow.



The unconscious mind speaks with images instead of speaking with words because you have inherited an evil and absurd conscience, the anti-conscience, which must not learn the unconscious messages before your human conscience does. Otherwise, it will distort these messages and you won't have any protection against your anti-conscience's attacks.



The anti-conscience is your wild self. It has satanic characteristics. Its intention is to lead you to craziness and despair, so that it may control your mind and behavior, taking the place of your ego.



Your ego is the center of your human conscience, but your personality is composed by numerous parts. Many of these parts belong to your anti-conscience, what means that they are not conscious. They instinctively act, without having to pass through the judgment of your ego. This means that your ego loses the control of your behavior when the wild parts of your personality automatically act based on instincts.



When you translate the meaning of your dreams based on the scientific method you understand what your anti-conscience is doing against your human conscience and how to defend yourself. You are the human being existent into the human side of your conscience. You love goodness and happiness. You have human feelings. You must eliminate your wild side and learn how to be wise.



The unconscious mind helps you tame your wild side and transform this beast into a positive component of your human conscience. After learning that you have an anti-conscience, you start observing your behavior and identifying the influence of your anti-conscience in your mind and behavior. Then, you discover that you must fight absurdity instead of being an ignorant victim of your wild conscience. This comprehension will help you find your freedom.



You'll learn how to control your mind and behavior, instead of letting your anti-conscience take the place of your ego.



Your ego is not yourself. It is only a part of yourself. You have to eliminate your ego and learn how to be humble if you want to find sound mental health. Your ego is selfish, ignorant, and it demands from the world a superior position in all situations. Your ego is indifferent to human pain, and therefore, absurd. Your ego is insensitive. It cares only about its own desires.



Your ego doesn't pay attention to the pain it cases to those who are around you. Your ego doesn't respect justice. Your ego only wants to be in a superior position all the time, no matter how.



In the beginning of the fight with your anti-conscience you need your ego because your ego must control your mind and behavior. However, later you have to eliminate your ego by transforming it into an intelligent part of your complex personality composed by numerous parts.



The unconscious mind gives you in your dreams a very clear vision about what influences your behavior and what you have to do in order to control your behavior and know what you are doing. You learn how to prepare the future results you desire with your actions.



First of all, you have to eliminate your evil anti-conscience. You must learn how to be sensitive and always have human feelings. This is basic. Without sensitivity, you are not a human being.



Now you know the philosophy of the unconscious mind. Now you know that the dream producer is a psychiatrist and psychologist who produces your dreams with the intention to help you transform your absurd satanic side into a wise human being.



Therefore, now you can understand why the unconscious mind is always very serious. You also understand that you have to be serious. Dream therapy is a psychological treatment. Only by translating the meaning of your dreams and understanding the origin of your psychological problems this means that you are following psychotherapy. You have to be serious and respect the wise guidance of your unconscious doctor.



Now you understand that you poor human conscience needs help in order to survive. This is what you find when you translate the meaning of dreams and you understand the wise unconscious messages. You find help and relief. The unconscious mind is your savior.




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