Is ADHD Medication a Permanent Solution Or a Permanent Damage?
Constant arguments, fights, and punishments can never make for pleasant family time and yet so many families are forced into such a life, thanks to ADHD.
Parents of children who show symptoms of ADHD find it very difficult to tackle the problem and so rely on the available ADHD medication to reduce them.
Though the medications definitely work to reduce the symptoms, they also cause a lot of harm to the child.
Read this article to know all about the harmful side-effects of the chemical ADHD medications.
Research has shown that the prescription drugs like Concerta and Vyvanse, which are used in the treatment of ADHD, work well to reduce the symptoms of ADHD.
They even work quickly and the child is soon free of the symptoms.
They also are able to concentrate on their work and have a greater control over themselves.
However, while all this sounds positive, the truth behind this illusion is that these medicines do more harm than good.
On one hand they reduce the symptoms of ADHD (note - only the symptoms and not the real disorder) and on the other they increase the risk of other illnesses like hypertension, gastralgia and insomnia.
Did you know that close to 9% of the children dependent on the ADHD drugs get addicted to them? And if you thought that was all, you need to think again! Since ADHD can set in as early as 3 years of age, parents and doctors need to be careful while administering the medicines.
Some medicines like dexmethylphenidate and atomoxetine are only meant for children above 6 years of age and can be very harmful for younger children.
However, sadly they are still administered and the children are exposed to some very serious health disorders.
What is the solution then, you ask? Well, a lot of parents are now turning to the natural ADHD medications since they are mild, effective and cure the problem from the roots.
These medicines may take a slightly longer time to act in response, but when you see the amount of goodness this time is buying, you will surely not mind.
Alternatively, you can also stick to dietary plans that help reduce the strains of ADHD.
A healthy lifestyle, complete with proper foods and exercise, can go a long way in lessening the symptoms of ADHD in children.
So check out the various ADHD medications, their credits and demerits and then choose the one that you think would be best for your child.
Fortunately, a lot of research has been done on ADHD and the results are for everyone to see.
Decide what you want for your child - permanent solution or permanent damage and you will be able to find the perfect ADHD medication for them.
Parents of children who show symptoms of ADHD find it very difficult to tackle the problem and so rely on the available ADHD medication to reduce them.
Though the medications definitely work to reduce the symptoms, they also cause a lot of harm to the child.
Read this article to know all about the harmful side-effects of the chemical ADHD medications.
Research has shown that the prescription drugs like Concerta and Vyvanse, which are used in the treatment of ADHD, work well to reduce the symptoms of ADHD.
They even work quickly and the child is soon free of the symptoms.
They also are able to concentrate on their work and have a greater control over themselves.
However, while all this sounds positive, the truth behind this illusion is that these medicines do more harm than good.
On one hand they reduce the symptoms of ADHD (note - only the symptoms and not the real disorder) and on the other they increase the risk of other illnesses like hypertension, gastralgia and insomnia.
Did you know that close to 9% of the children dependent on the ADHD drugs get addicted to them? And if you thought that was all, you need to think again! Since ADHD can set in as early as 3 years of age, parents and doctors need to be careful while administering the medicines.
Some medicines like dexmethylphenidate and atomoxetine are only meant for children above 6 years of age and can be very harmful for younger children.
However, sadly they are still administered and the children are exposed to some very serious health disorders.
What is the solution then, you ask? Well, a lot of parents are now turning to the natural ADHD medications since they are mild, effective and cure the problem from the roots.
These medicines may take a slightly longer time to act in response, but when you see the amount of goodness this time is buying, you will surely not mind.
Alternatively, you can also stick to dietary plans that help reduce the strains of ADHD.
A healthy lifestyle, complete with proper foods and exercise, can go a long way in lessening the symptoms of ADHD in children.
So check out the various ADHD medications, their credits and demerits and then choose the one that you think would be best for your child.
Fortunately, a lot of research has been done on ADHD and the results are for everyone to see.
Decide what you want for your child - permanent solution or permanent damage and you will be able to find the perfect ADHD medication for them.