Business & Finance Corporations

Internal Communication an essential component

If today's internal communication seems to be evident in our modern societies, it is nonetheless subject to strict conditions to be effective. These conditions must then be identified to determine the role they play in the communication to be host of relationships.

Communication, organizing element relationships within organizations

The failure of Taylorism characterized by the removal of the communication between individuals and between departments, considered as vector of social conflict, or motivation of staff turnover led to the development of new theories, to include communication among the priorities and define its scope

To understand this transformation, we must consider the individual as a strategist in the company that has a certain margin of maneuver and of course some power.

The interaction between individuals is an inevitable source of conflict and instability, he took hold of trade by the establishment of collective agreements. The basic idea is that individuals have needs and values ??(often financial) that guide legitimate and only collective bargaining agreements (collective agreements and / or labor) allow the inclusion of expected behaviors.

But that's not all the individual within an organization is not determined solely by financial motives. He expressed the need to cooperate and achieve through action. Thus at the company is seen to constitute working groups, roundtables, quality circles, conventions, seminars, all formulas that allow employees to express themselves. Examples are sales people of the same company who exchange technical or sales practices most relevant to improve operational efficiency in this way. 
More structurally it involves the establishment of a communication service whose mission is to establish a link between the individual and the community. Internal communication was born. Now she must convey the information down, bottom and even cross. The interest of facilitating social cohesion, to all staff adhere to the policy of the enterprise to take into consideration the aspirations of individuals and break down barriers between different services.

The willingness of leaders results in the leveraging of staff representative bodies (works councils, employee representative ...) that relay the voices of employees and especially the creation of various communication media, such as house journal, newsletter, intranet ...

Meanwhile, there has been a real change in behavior and evolution of managerial practices; executives coiffent becomes their new cap and new leaders.

Sociologists, especially Elton Mayo have theorized that this approach promotes listening to the staff. According to them, attention contributes to improving the working efficiency. This theoretical approach is embodied not only by the introduction of white papers, suggestion boxes, notebooks of grievances, but also, as we have already seen through the staff representative bodies.

So we can say that  internal communication is an essential component both in relations between individuals in the relationship between individuals and the community. However, the structures of organizations are strongly rooted in the rational model of the engineer. The hope for a positive and irreversible yours to the fact that new technologies impose a new dimension of human relationship based more on sharing, cooperation, greater involvement of all staff in projects, and acceptance of human resources as essential and indispensable in the business.

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