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How to Take Apart Bricks

    • 1). Put on safety glasses. You will be causing chips of brick or mortar to fly though the air.

    • 2). Start at the top of the brick structure.

    • 3). Tap one of the top bricks on its side with a small, one-handed sledge hammer to see if it breaks loose from the mortar. The mortar is weak on many older brick structures, and you can simply knock the bricks loose with a hammer

    • 4). Chisel the brick out of the structure if it will not come loose with just the hammer. Put a cold chisel against the mortar between the top brick and the one under it and lightly hit the chisel with the hammer. Keep hitting the chisel harder, until you find the amount of force that works best to break the brick loose from the mortar. Chisel around the brick until you can remove it.

    • 5). Remove the bricks one by one, working from the top the the bottom, until you are finished.

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