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Expatriate Living - Allow Yourself the Option of Possible Repatriation

Retirees thinking of moving abroad need thorough planning before actually making their move.
This is a given and most people realize this.
But, even when the preparation has been adequately done, and the move successfully made, no one can predict the stability of that move.
Murphy's law not only works in your home country but sometimes follows you abroad.
All the dreams that have kept you attracted to the thoughts of expatriate living may or may not become a reality once you have spent some time in your selected destination.
What happens if your adjustment is unsuccessful? Have you also planned for that? I am not suggesting that you go into your move with the idea that it will not work.
Always be an optimist.
On the other hand, not allowing yourself the possible option of returning home could prove a disaster.
Some say that the best way to achieve success in any venture is not to allow any other options, i.
, don't leave room for failure.
That is a great philosophical position, but one that could be untenable when you find yourself facing obstacles and choices beyond your control.
Circumstances out of your control that may require repatriation can and do happen.
You may find yourself with failing health; you may miss your family back home; you may find that the thrill that brought you to your new home has vanished; or you may simply have recurring financial problems.
These and many more circumstances beyond your control are always a possibility.
How can you prepare ahead of time for the possibility of repatriation? Some simple strategies follow:
  • Don't immediately cut all ties with home.
    Try your new destination first as an expatriate traveler.
    Plan to spend a few months living abroad to start.
    Use this time to become familiar with the people and their culture while testing your own adaptability.
  • Rent.
    Don't Buy Immediately.
    I personally have always advised renting at least the first six months to become accustomed to your new country, its culture, and your specific neighborhood.
  • Do not immediately sell your house and all your household goods back home.
    You will have time to do that once you have spent some time in your new country.
    This is an irrelevant point if you were renting in your home country and would be doing the same should you need to or have to return.
  • Consider moving to a location where expats from your home country are living already.
    The fact that you are living with a familiar culture around you and are able to socialize with fellow expatriates will help to prevent some of the feeling of isolation that can hinder your adaptation.
Many thousands of retirees are successfully living as expatriates abroad and percentage wise, the number who desire to repatriate or find themselves having to repatriate is small compared to those who don't.
A little forethought in planning could keep you from having to repatriate and make the repatriation less painful if you find that you have to.
You should at least allow yourself an option for that possibility.

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