Travel & Places Hunting/Shooting

How to Make an Easy Deer Call

    • 1). Sandpaper inside one end of the one-inch PVC tube. Go down by one inch on the tube as you sand. Make the inside rough where you sand.

    • 2). Sand down the outside of the 3/4-inch tube so it is rough. Sand down one end. Push one O-ring onto each end of the 3/4 inch PVC tube and push them so they are at one end, and apart by one inch.

    • 3). Smear PVC glue onto the sanded end of the 3/4 inch PVC tube. Insert the glued end into the one-inch PVC so the glue hits the inside edge of the one-inch tube and the O-rings go into the tube, making a waterproof and tight seal. Let the glue dry.

    • 4). Hold the 3/4-inch side of the call and place the lips onto the end. Blow through the tube, pursing the lips, to make the deer call noise.

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