Deer Hunting in Adams County, Ohio
- The Ohio Game and Fish website says all licensed deer hunters in Adams County may hunt in the county's Tranquility Wildlife Area, 4,254 acres of primitive, native-land deer hunting that is open throughout the season.
- Adams County hunters may retain three anter-less and three antlered deer per season, a total of six deer, for both seasons combined. The antlered and antler-less deer seasons are based on Zanesville's Zone C location, and run respectively from September 25 through February 6 and from September 25 through December 5, as of the 2010 and 2011 hunting season.
- In addition to a hunting license, all deer hunters in Zanesville must buy an antlered or anter-less deer permit, to hunt during the respective seasons. Both the license and permit are available online at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' website, which offers resident and non-resident prices and youth and seniors discounts.