Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Can I Really Get My Ex Back?

Hi there. I'm a fan of the Text Your Ex Back system by Michael Fiore, so this is quite a biased review which contains some Text Your Ex Back examples.

Maybe you've lost your girlfriend or boyfriend and you want to know, "Can I really text them back into my life?". Yes you can, if you follow the system.

One of the things you mustn't do is come across as 'needy'. It seems 'needy' is the only word girls need and use when describing a guy they don't like. They hate needy guys because women know that needy guys turn into control-freak boyfriends later on down the road.

You have to show you have a spine. The breakup has put you into a 'scarcity' mindset which is a terrible shame because you need to have one of 'abundance' to have any hope of appearing attractive to women. If you were dating five women and one of them didn't want to see you anymore how would you feel then? That's how you're meant to appear after the breakup-even if you don't feel that way in real life.

How would James Bond feel after a break-up? He wouldn't be shaken or stirred. He would move on to the next girl. That's the kind of attitude we need to have - even if we don't kill people for the British government - but keep it on the 'down low' because that's a secret.

You need emotional self-control, or you will be rejected. No constantly trying to contact her.

Let's be honest here. your partner thinks they know you so if you do what they are not expecting you to do after the breakup, you throw them off-balance. You arouse their curiosity.This is a good thing.

She expects you to ring her and plead to take you back but when you don't do that she wonders what is going on. It causes you to appear more mysterious.She may even wonder if you have hooked up with a new girl and are moving on with your life.

Here is some vitally important information for you which I was going to put in a separate article:
So you want to textyourexbacktonight? That's a very achievable goal if you go about it the correct way and in the correct order.

Text messages are very powerful. They can spark love, passion, romance and mystery. They can create intense curiosity. They can help heal the wounds of the past. They can increase intimacy and closeness and can even turn your ex's emotions "against them" in a similar way to judo that turns things to your advantage by opening your ex to the possibility of being with you again.
Even the amount of words we use can make a huge difference. Lots of words in a reply means: interested. Not many words in a reply means: aloof and not so interested.
But text messages can also be a bad thing for your relationship...

They can be used for "sexting" and sending naked pictures, but which can also lead to some amazingly traumatizing and embarrassing situations, unless you're French, when you participate in these kinds of activities with someone you eventually break up with. As they say, "What happens in Vegas ends up on Facebook and Pinterest", somewhere else on the internet, or passed around until they eventually reach your neighbours, who happen to be mildly racist.

The wrong types of text messages can also start fights, make you appear to be a needy or desperate person, make you seem boring and uninteresting, and push your ex girlfriend/boyfriend away for good.

So how do you send the right texts and avoid the wrong ones?

Here are 3 types of text messages you should never send if you want to text your ex back into your life.

1.) The "Nothing Text"

"Yo." "What's up? " "Hey." These are all examples of nothing texts. Texts that suck. Most of the time nothing texts sound like they were written by a 19 year old frat boy. If it's monosyllabic and doesn't do anything to enhance the conversation, then it's probably a nothing text.

And just why are nothing texts bad when you want to text your ex back? Because they usually end up like this...

You..."Yo." Your ex..."Hey." You..."What's up?" Your ex..."Not much." You...stumped on where to go from here.

And then you and your ex go into this weird stale mate and feel even more awkward with each other.

2.) The "Needy Text"

The needy text often sounds something like this...

* "Hey! What are you doing?"

* "Are you dating someone else now? Is it Kevin?"

* "Why aren't you replying to my messages?"

* "I've sent you 9 texts and you haven't responded. Where are you?"

* "What did i do wrong?"

These types of text messages make you seem a really insecure person. They imply you lack confidence. They make your ex feel like you're "on their case". And who wants to be with someone like that?

3.) The "Begging And Pleading" Text

When you want to text your ex back, the "begging and pleading" text needs to be avoided at all costs. Here are some examples of that...

* "I'll do anything to get you back. Just tell me what to do."

* "I want you back so bad. Please give me another chance."

* "I'm so so so sorry. I promise I'll change. I can't live without you."

* "Let's work this out. Please don't date anyone else. I can't bear the thought of it."

* "Bitch!"

* "Let's talk this over. You want to meet at McDonald's?"

These types of messages make you appear desperate. Before you send texts like this, always remember you WANT your ex back in your life, but you don't NEED your ex back in your life. When your ex sees you are ok without them, that's when they'll fear losing you for good and will start wanting you back.

Do you want her back? Click the link below to check out the system.

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