Famous Women of Today – Smart, Strong and Exceptional
The famous women of today earned their fame and fortune through sex appeal, smarts, politics, luck, faith or, even for some, sheer ridiculousness. How they managed to attain their pedestal, is of no consequence. What is important is how they have managed to grasp onto it for months, years, or even a life time.
In 2011, People Magazine named Jennifer Lopez as the "World's most beautiful woman" alive, and consumers heartily agree as this is Ms Lopez's 10th time within the pages of the magazine. J-Lo, as she is also known by, has starred in over 10 films, published dozens of music hits, and danced through the dreams of millions of American men. Her career has spanned nearly 20 years and is still going strong as we continue to follow this famous actor/singer/judge/model's career.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords joins our list of famous women of today for her courage, conviction, and strength through her trials and public image. Congresswoman Giffords was gunned down at a rally and nearly lost her life from a head shot. Nearly 6 months later, Representative Giffords is surviving her attempted assassination with a strength of a great politician. It is believed that the attempt on her life was due to her work on tougher immigration laws to protect American's jobs, economy, and well-being. With the nation praying for a swift recovery, we hope to see her rise again to stand up for the American dream.
Jennifer Lopez earned her stripes through singing and then Hollywood, while Congresswoman Giffords worked hard and was voted in by the people to her current position. However, some choose other methods to attract and maintain their fame. Stefani Germanotta uses flashy and quirky music videos and garb for publicity. Better known as Lady Gaga, her music is known by all, old and young, due to her lime light PR campaign of wearing the most ridiculous and provocative dresses and clothing known to mankind.
Her music is interesting with fun lyrics and eye candy videos, but nothing to scream about, yet she has retained America's favor, on and off, for the past two years. Whereas Jennifer Lopez stuns on and off the red carpet with and without makeup, Lady Gaga is well, not so stunning and proves that sex appeal marketing is not required to make a name for yourself.
In conclusion, whether you obtain your fame from an exceptional mind and ideas or from your drop dead looks and frame - it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you can keep our attention for as long as possible to become one of the famous women in today's world. We will keep our eyes and ears peeled for more singers, actors, politicians, and brainiacs as the American consumers are quick to change their preferences as one giant collective attention deficit disorder will put new women in the spotlight constantly.
In 2011, People Magazine named Jennifer Lopez as the "World's most beautiful woman" alive, and consumers heartily agree as this is Ms Lopez's 10th time within the pages of the magazine. J-Lo, as she is also known by, has starred in over 10 films, published dozens of music hits, and danced through the dreams of millions of American men. Her career has spanned nearly 20 years and is still going strong as we continue to follow this famous actor/singer/judge/model's career.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords joins our list of famous women of today for her courage, conviction, and strength through her trials and public image. Congresswoman Giffords was gunned down at a rally and nearly lost her life from a head shot. Nearly 6 months later, Representative Giffords is surviving her attempted assassination with a strength of a great politician. It is believed that the attempt on her life was due to her work on tougher immigration laws to protect American's jobs, economy, and well-being. With the nation praying for a swift recovery, we hope to see her rise again to stand up for the American dream.
Jennifer Lopez earned her stripes through singing and then Hollywood, while Congresswoman Giffords worked hard and was voted in by the people to her current position. However, some choose other methods to attract and maintain their fame. Stefani Germanotta uses flashy and quirky music videos and garb for publicity. Better known as Lady Gaga, her music is known by all, old and young, due to her lime light PR campaign of wearing the most ridiculous and provocative dresses and clothing known to mankind.
Her music is interesting with fun lyrics and eye candy videos, but nothing to scream about, yet she has retained America's favor, on and off, for the past two years. Whereas Jennifer Lopez stuns on and off the red carpet with and without makeup, Lady Gaga is well, not so stunning and proves that sex appeal marketing is not required to make a name for yourself.
In conclusion, whether you obtain your fame from an exceptional mind and ideas or from your drop dead looks and frame - it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you can keep our attention for as long as possible to become one of the famous women in today's world. We will keep our eyes and ears peeled for more singers, actors, politicians, and brainiacs as the American consumers are quick to change their preferences as one giant collective attention deficit disorder will put new women in the spotlight constantly.