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How to Do a Write-In Vote in Kentucky

    • 1). Find out if the person you want to vote for is eligible to be a write-in candidate. The person needs to first file a declaration of intent with the Kentucky Secretary of State or county clerk. Contact these offices to find out if you cannot ask the person yourself.

    • 2). Check the ballot carefully. If the write-in candidate appears on the ballot for any other office, you cannot include that person as your write-in vote.

    • 3). Fill in the circle for write-in candidate for the office the person filed a declaration of intent for. For written ballots, this circle must be filled in manually. For electronic ballots, you only need to select this option.

    • 4). Write or type the person's name you would like to cast a write-in vote for. When writing, be sure to use your neatest handwriting so that your vote is counted. Double check your spelling of the candidate's name as well.

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