Health & Medical Lose Weight

Assign Health and Weight Loss Your First Priority

Are you overweight? Weight loss and health require commitment.
Have you committed to losing weight and getting healthy? If not, why not? If you are not making health your first priority then you are cheating yourself and everyone who cares about you.
Being chronically overweight has been associated with many of the scourges of our time including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer.
The clinical evidence is overwhelming that maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly reduces the incidence of these diseases.
Have you read The China Study by T.
Colin Campbell? It's an amazing book that will convince you to make changes.
It worked for me.
I was always overweight until I adopted the whole foods, plant-based diet that Dr.
Campbell advocates based on years of research.
I lost the weight permanently and without being hungry.
We are a society of instant gratification.
We're hungry so we go through the fast food drive through.
We work hard, so "deserve" a drink at the end of the day instead of hitting the gym.
We want to be with our families, so we spend the evening munching in front of the TV with our loved ones.
None of these actions are a problem once in a while.
It's the accumulation that leads to disease and poor health.
Make your health your first priority and tip the balance in your favor.
Does that sound too selfish? Think about it a different way.
Do you want to be a burden to your family? After all, who is going to take care of you when you are sick? Don't you want to be healthy and vibrant when you retire? Don't you want to help take care of your grandkids and be there for your spouse and loved ones later in life? Do you want to waste your hard-earned money on health care instead of travel, your kids' educations, or leaving a legacy to charity? Maybe you are thinking you have no time for exercise.
There is always a way.
Change your behavior and your priorities.
Get up an hour earlier and walk.
You can take a tape recorder and dictate your to-do list for the day.
Or walk with your spouse before dinner every evening.
Are you a stay-at-home Mom? Put your kids in a stroller and power walk with your friends.
Join a YMCA with child care.
Be an inspiration and set a great example for your kids.
You want them to learn healthy habits right? And what about your diet? Is it really easier to go through the drive-through than pick up a premade salad at the grocery store? If you are turning to easy convenience foods with little nutrition you are not exposing your kids to the flavor and variety of healthy fruits and vegetables.
Why even keep fatty snack foods and sweets in the house? Have an apple or banana instead.
You've probably tried some of the fad diets.
But they didn't work, at least not long term right? There is no fast way to lose weight.
Make small changes.
They will add up to permanent weight loss and better health over time.
You are worth it.
Your family depends on you, and you want to be there for them, so what are you waiting for?

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