Health & Medical Health Care

Powerful Tips to Deal With Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids is a condition in which the veins of the anal canal and lower part of rectum becomes swollen and inflamed.
Hemorrhoids can be classified into 2 types i.
Internal hemorrhoids and External hemorrhoids.
In the internal type the swollen veins are not seen to be protruding out of the anus, whereas in the external variety they can be seen protruding out of the anus.
Many a times hemorrhoids have been classified into bleeding and non-bleeding varieties also.
Cause of hemorrhoids during pregnancy The basic cause of any kind of hemorrhoids is due to increase in pressure within either the internal rectal veins or external rectal veins.
In pregnancy there is a rise in the contributing factors like: 1.
The growing fetus puts more pressure on the rectal veins.
Hormonal changes i.
progesterone secreted during pregnancy tends to relax the walls of the vein causing them to swell up more easily.
Constipation, it is one of the major cause of hemorrhoids during pregnancy due to pressure from the growing fetus plus the effect of progesterone which slows down the activity of the intestinal tract during pregnancy resulting in constipation.
Finally, post pregnancy a woman can suffer from hemorrhoids as she has to push during the 2nd stage of labour.
How to deal with hemorrhoids during pregnancy? 1.
Firstly the golden rule is to avoid constipation if possible, and if the lady is already suffering from constipation then a diet rich in fiber, roughage forming ingredients should be given to the women and she should be advised to drink plenty of water, if the stools are hard, then with the help of your physician some kind of stool softener should be administered.
Pregnant lady should avoid straining hard at stools, she should not wait for the urge, but pass stools at regular intervals, care should be taken to avoid sitting for stools for long duration as it is likely to put more pressure over the area.
Exercise like in all other problems, comes to your rescue even here, consult a physiotherapist who will guide you with exercises that will strengthen your muscles around the anus, so that the veins do not protrude out, even exercises which strengthen the muscles around the vagina and urethra are of great use, as it can prevent the complication of hemorrhoids post-pregnancy.
KEGEL exercises are found to be very helpful since they improve the blood circulation from the rectal veins.
Pregnant female should take care to avoid sitting or standing for long periods, even at home it is advisable that she lies down on the left side to take off the pressure from the veins and improve the venous return.
Other general tips that helps in relieving the pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids during pregnancy are applying ice packs or cold compresses several times a day reduces swelling and pain, sitting in warm water tub for few minutes 2-3 times a day will reduce the swelling by improving the circulation, alternating hot and cold application works wonders, basically the aim is to keep the hemorrhoids moist, application of witch hazel astringent is known to have soothing effect.

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