Three Natural Oils That Can Help Bad Breath
One of the most common symptoms of gum disease is bad breath, and while its cause can be linked to the bacteria that is present in virtually everyone's mouth, the cure may not be as simple as brushing a flossing regularly. Most often it a sign of something more than what a person had for lunch or dinner or indications of a sinus problem. If a person suffers from bad breath after brushing, flossing and using mouthwash, they should look into other possible causes.
Throughout the course of the day, bacteria will build up in the mouth, on the gums, the tongue, and on the inside of the mouth. Eliminating the bacteria will usually eliminate bad breath. However, it could also be eliminating the body's leading defense against bad breath. The body is a wonderful thing with many natural remedies for the ills that affect it. By using natural cures, most diseases can be eliminated without destroying the natural mechanisms that provide the assistance.
While some causes of bad breath may not be related to gum disease, such as the foods consumed or issues with the digestive tract, the most common problem of bad breath is the bacteria that grows in the mouth. Killing the bacteria typically ends the bad breath, however how it is killed will determine how long it takes before it grows back. Brushing the teeth is only one part of a complete oral hygiene regimen to provide good dental health. How oral hygiene is achieved is what many people overlook.
Even a person with excellent oral hygiene habits can create an environment for bacterial growth by reducing the body's natural defenses. The mouth relies on saliva for more than keeping the mouth moist. Saliva is also the transferal means of moving antibacterial enzymes into the nooks and crannies of the mouth. If saliva production is slowed or eliminated, the ability of the body to eradicate the threat allows bacteria to quickly grow back after being doused with the chemical often found in most commercial brands of toothpaste and mouthwash.
These chemicals tend to cause the mouth to dry out, leaving the door open for the bacteria to begin moving back into the oral neighborhood. Essential oils are used in many forms to offer health benefits to the body without destroying the natural defenses to keep the bacteria in check between applications.
Combining peppermint, spearmint and almond oils in just the right formulation not only kills the germs that cause bad breath, but also helps heal any damage to the gums caused by a build up of the bacteria. A regimen of oral health care usually prescribed with brushing, flossing a rinsing can be done with an all-natural product to obtain the same results without drying out the saliva glands, adding to the prevention of bad breath.
This combination of essential oils, can help eliminate bad breath caused by bacteria as well as work as a preventive measure for gum disease that can cause bleeding gums, swollen gums and gingivitis.
Throughout the course of the day, bacteria will build up in the mouth, on the gums, the tongue, and on the inside of the mouth. Eliminating the bacteria will usually eliminate bad breath. However, it could also be eliminating the body's leading defense against bad breath. The body is a wonderful thing with many natural remedies for the ills that affect it. By using natural cures, most diseases can be eliminated without destroying the natural mechanisms that provide the assistance.
While some causes of bad breath may not be related to gum disease, such as the foods consumed or issues with the digestive tract, the most common problem of bad breath is the bacteria that grows in the mouth. Killing the bacteria typically ends the bad breath, however how it is killed will determine how long it takes before it grows back. Brushing the teeth is only one part of a complete oral hygiene regimen to provide good dental health. How oral hygiene is achieved is what many people overlook.
Even a person with excellent oral hygiene habits can create an environment for bacterial growth by reducing the body's natural defenses. The mouth relies on saliva for more than keeping the mouth moist. Saliva is also the transferal means of moving antibacterial enzymes into the nooks and crannies of the mouth. If saliva production is slowed or eliminated, the ability of the body to eradicate the threat allows bacteria to quickly grow back after being doused with the chemical often found in most commercial brands of toothpaste and mouthwash.
These chemicals tend to cause the mouth to dry out, leaving the door open for the bacteria to begin moving back into the oral neighborhood. Essential oils are used in many forms to offer health benefits to the body without destroying the natural defenses to keep the bacteria in check between applications.
Combining peppermint, spearmint and almond oils in just the right formulation not only kills the germs that cause bad breath, but also helps heal any damage to the gums caused by a build up of the bacteria. A regimen of oral health care usually prescribed with brushing, flossing a rinsing can be done with an all-natural product to obtain the same results without drying out the saliva glands, adding to the prevention of bad breath.
This combination of essential oils, can help eliminate bad breath caused by bacteria as well as work as a preventive measure for gum disease that can cause bleeding gums, swollen gums and gingivitis.