Gay Educator Watch
There was something about Mary in the 1998 eponymous film which Ted the doofus ultimately resolved long after his disastrous prom date. There's something about teachers today, dating back long before 1998, that isn't even close to resolution.
To say we live in a morally-loose world today would be a gross understatement. To say that what was once a major bastion of rectitude, the teaching profession, is still that bastion would be an absurdity that would make many students and teachers today all but hysterical with a sly laughter suppressed only by the former standards of teacher-student decorum.
America's schools haven't, yet, become modern examples of mini-Sodoms and Gomorrahs and this in no way suggests the current phenomenon is universal but the situation seems to have become dire, so dire that now features a special section on a "Weird Teacher Watch."
And the weirdness isn't confined to the classroom teacher. Administrators also want their share of the action.
Case in point is 37 year old Charles D. Hurst, former vice-principal of the Pennbrook Middle School in the Philadelphia suburb of Montgomery County. The fun-loving, grinning, coke-snorting VP with a Justin Beeberish-combover enjoyed a very public relationship with a 13 year old male student, spent an inordinate amount of time with him, and encouraged him. He became a father figure and role model to the boy, took him on trips, and even gave him an allowance.
Hurst also had the child expose himself to him in his car and his favorite form of encouragement was to text message the boy and give him a dollar for every time the kid masturbated. Hurst was finally caught, put on administrative leave, and charged with "inappropriate sexual conversations" with a minor. His defense? A virus in his cell phone: []
No word yet on how much of an allowance Hurst will be given by his fellow inmates who aren't noted for their Teacher Appreciation Days when the teacher is a pedophile.
Another gay teacher, this time a married, lesbian/bi-sexual at Monessan High School in East Millsboro, PA, Ashley Herre-Bagwell, had taught 10th grade English there for 6 years. As yet, there's no proof that for those 6 years she was closeted, or just wasn't caught. Last year she couldn't resist professing her undying love for three female students, age 15 and 16 with whom she too texted sexual messages and engaged in touching and kissing episodes.
One 16 year old she hit on had a greater sense of responsibility, and of irresponsibility, than her 29 year old teacher and told her "the relationship wasn't 'right' because she was her teacher, Herre-Bagwell agreed it was wrong, but said it didn't matter because she was in love with her:" []
Case closed.
Well, not quite. Herre-Bagwell was arrested and charged with "contact/communication with a minor-sexual offenses, criminal attempt, criminal use of a communication facility, and corruption of minors."
The case won't officially be closed until after Herre-Bagwell serves her time.
A third instance of gay educators on the prowl inside and outside classrooms is 26 year old Emily Patterson, ironically a criminal justice teacher at Mukwanago High School in Wisconsin. Like Vice Principal Charles D. Hurst, Patterson had an excuse for her perversion, not a cell phone virus like Hurst had, but the fact she was lonely.
Her loneliness, not her lesbian lust, mind you, drove her to engage in a tryst with a 16 year old girl who was having difficulties at home which Patterson sought to relieve via fondling the girl during a sleepover at the girl's home.
The best way to cure home problems is a nice sexual encounter with a troubled youth, right?
One more time, her relationship began, as with Hurst and Herre-Bagwell, through text messaging, that out-of-control national, teen phenomenon that has been shown to be a passageway for too many teens into the murky worlds of drugs and illicit sex.
In her loneliness, Patterson trod that passageway which culminated with her "sleeping over" with a young girl in the girl's own bed. Why the teacher ended up in the student's home, not to mention in her bed, is unexplained in the TrueCrimeReport story. Maybe it was for extra-help?
Whatever the reason, Patterson was arrested and TCR, forgetting that there's nothing funny with pedophilia, concludes this sordid story with the witticism, "A guilty verdict could earn her up to six years' worth of penitentiary sleepovers:" []
None of the above is meant to suggest that only gay educators are betraying the trust bestowed on them by society by loosing their perversity on students. Most educator-pervs are straight pervs since most of the population is not comprised of homosexuals, a fact that has been detailed here on a variety of occasions including an extended series on teacher, umm, co-curricula and extra-curricular activities.
There's one major force in American education that must be delighted with all this new sexual freedom and, especially, with student-teacher homosexual interraction. The National Education Association, the NEA, has been pushing for such diversity for decades.
Still, as with Mary, there's something about homosexual educators who seduce children. They add a distinct note of added sickness to an already sick preoccupation beyond anything Mary had to do to get cleaned up.
To say we live in a morally-loose world today would be a gross understatement. To say that what was once a major bastion of rectitude, the teaching profession, is still that bastion would be an absurdity that would make many students and teachers today all but hysterical with a sly laughter suppressed only by the former standards of teacher-student decorum.
America's schools haven't, yet, become modern examples of mini-Sodoms and Gomorrahs and this in no way suggests the current phenomenon is universal but the situation seems to have become dire, so dire that now features a special section on a "Weird Teacher Watch."
And the weirdness isn't confined to the classroom teacher. Administrators also want their share of the action.
Case in point is 37 year old Charles D. Hurst, former vice-principal of the Pennbrook Middle School in the Philadelphia suburb of Montgomery County. The fun-loving, grinning, coke-snorting VP with a Justin Beeberish-combover enjoyed a very public relationship with a 13 year old male student, spent an inordinate amount of time with him, and encouraged him. He became a father figure and role model to the boy, took him on trips, and even gave him an allowance.
Hurst also had the child expose himself to him in his car and his favorite form of encouragement was to text message the boy and give him a dollar for every time the kid masturbated. Hurst was finally caught, put on administrative leave, and charged with "inappropriate sexual conversations" with a minor. His defense? A virus in his cell phone: []
No word yet on how much of an allowance Hurst will be given by his fellow inmates who aren't noted for their Teacher Appreciation Days when the teacher is a pedophile.
Another gay teacher, this time a married, lesbian/bi-sexual at Monessan High School in East Millsboro, PA, Ashley Herre-Bagwell, had taught 10th grade English there for 6 years. As yet, there's no proof that for those 6 years she was closeted, or just wasn't caught. Last year she couldn't resist professing her undying love for three female students, age 15 and 16 with whom she too texted sexual messages and engaged in touching and kissing episodes.
One 16 year old she hit on had a greater sense of responsibility, and of irresponsibility, than her 29 year old teacher and told her "the relationship wasn't 'right' because she was her teacher, Herre-Bagwell agreed it was wrong, but said it didn't matter because she was in love with her:" []
Case closed.
Well, not quite. Herre-Bagwell was arrested and charged with "contact/communication with a minor-sexual offenses, criminal attempt, criminal use of a communication facility, and corruption of minors."
The case won't officially be closed until after Herre-Bagwell serves her time.
A third instance of gay educators on the prowl inside and outside classrooms is 26 year old Emily Patterson, ironically a criminal justice teacher at Mukwanago High School in Wisconsin. Like Vice Principal Charles D. Hurst, Patterson had an excuse for her perversion, not a cell phone virus like Hurst had, but the fact she was lonely.
Her loneliness, not her lesbian lust, mind you, drove her to engage in a tryst with a 16 year old girl who was having difficulties at home which Patterson sought to relieve via fondling the girl during a sleepover at the girl's home.
The best way to cure home problems is a nice sexual encounter with a troubled youth, right?
One more time, her relationship began, as with Hurst and Herre-Bagwell, through text messaging, that out-of-control national, teen phenomenon that has been shown to be a passageway for too many teens into the murky worlds of drugs and illicit sex.
In her loneliness, Patterson trod that passageway which culminated with her "sleeping over" with a young girl in the girl's own bed. Why the teacher ended up in the student's home, not to mention in her bed, is unexplained in the TrueCrimeReport story. Maybe it was for extra-help?
Whatever the reason, Patterson was arrested and TCR, forgetting that there's nothing funny with pedophilia, concludes this sordid story with the witticism, "A guilty verdict could earn her up to six years' worth of penitentiary sleepovers:" []
None of the above is meant to suggest that only gay educators are betraying the trust bestowed on them by society by loosing their perversity on students. Most educator-pervs are straight pervs since most of the population is not comprised of homosexuals, a fact that has been detailed here on a variety of occasions including an extended series on teacher, umm, co-curricula and extra-curricular activities.
There's one major force in American education that must be delighted with all this new sexual freedom and, especially, with student-teacher homosexual interraction. The National Education Association, the NEA, has been pushing for such diversity for decades.
Still, as with Mary, there's something about homosexual educators who seduce children. They add a distinct note of added sickness to an already sick preoccupation beyond anything Mary had to do to get cleaned up.