Home & Garden Cooking

Why Granite Worktops Are The Most Economical Choice For Kitchens

Since so many people now are on a tighter budget than ever it would be natural to expect that sales of granite worktops and quartz kitchen worktops would have slumped, in favour of cheaper alternatives such as wood veneer worktops or plastic moulded worktops. In fact this hasn't been the case, and it seems that rather than shunning slightly more expensive alternatives for the kitchen, what has happened is that people are doing two things.

Firstly, more people are shopping around, using the internet to find cheaper deals than high street stores can offer. Secondly, people are realising that often it's not the short term savings which make the big difference, but the long term savings from making an investment that's much better value for money.

The internet has offered so many alternatives when it comes to shopping, and for the first time it's really enabled manufacturers of products such as granite worktops to trade directly with consumers. There is today much less need for the middlemen to provide the service which goes between manufacturers and consumers, and of course pocketing their commission while they do. This has meant that not only are consumers able to benefit from lower prices, since there's no middleman or third party tied up in the process, but it also means that manufacturers can offer better discounts too, as they can deal directly with end consumers rather than commissioned third party suppliers.

This has meant a double discount on prices for things such as quartz worktops and granite worktops, but there's another benefit too. because in the past the suppliers were often limited to providing worktops to a limited range of dimensions, and with a limited number of options such as shape. By enabling consumers and manufacturers to communicate directly there is now the opportunity to have custom made worktops, which offer exactly what people are after, rather than being merely a close compromise.

But whilst these significant savings and real advantages have helped tremendously, the average price of granite worktops is still much higher than cheap solutions such as wood veneer. Of course there's no telling just how long we'll all have to keep the belt pulled in, and in fact it's hard to even imagine a period in the future where money will be flowing freely enough not to worry about the prices too much. For this reason a lot of people are realising that if they buy a cheap solution today, they may well have to replace it a few years down the line, which will significantly increase the total cost.

Granite and quartz are two of the toughest stones on the planet, which means that buying granite worktops today means that you may never need to buy another kitchen worktop again. Financially it makes a lot of sense, and that's not even taking into consideration the fact that granite and quartz look many times more attractive than peeling veneer!

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