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The 6 Biggest Teleseminar Blunders - How to Avoid Them!

Teleseminars are a great strategy for building your business.
They are very economical to produce and if done correctly, teleseminars can provide a whole new source of revenue for your business.
Want to nail your next teleseminar? Avoid these top blunders.
Blunder 1: Forgetting to Record the TeleSeminar - By recording your teleseminar you will be able to turn it into a product that can be sold as a mp3/digital download or turned into a special report that can be given away on your website or mailed to clients and prospects.
There is more value in your teleseminar than the actual live session...
if it is recorded! You should have a system in place so that you are reminded to hit the record button prior to the start of each teleseminar.
For me, a simple series of post-its does the trick.
I place them on my phone, computer and notes.
As a final measure...
I'll set my iPhone alarm to ring 10 minutes before the start to remind me to begin recording and to turn off my cell phone...
which leads us to blunder #2...
Blunder 2: Not Taking Every Precaution To Avoid Interruptions - I've heard of teleseminars facilitated at home, office, hotel rooms, and even in a car.
From an interruption and distraction standpoint each of these locations present their own specific set of challenges.
Here's a list of the majority of the interruptions you will face and how to avoid them.
oDeliveries, doorbell, walk-ins...
Take a tip from the recording industry.
Create a sign that you post in front of the various doors of you house or office warning your visitors of the dire consequences they will face should they knock, ring a doorbell, walk into your office or create any distracting noises during the teleseminar.
oDogs, Kids and Employees...
Hire a sitter! Put someone in charge of all three.
Not only are barking dogs and kid noises distracting for you and your listeners, those sounds are a dead give-away that you are working from your home.
oFor your employees...
you will want to assign a go to person who can handle any fires that come up while you are on the teleseminar and keep people out of your office.
Blunder 3: Not Muting the Lines - Many a teleseminar has been wrecked by unmuted lines.
A teleseminar is not a conference call.
When the facilitator is presenting, all of the lines on the call should be muted to eliminate background noises.
You want your callers to be focused on your message not struggling to hear you because of too much background noise from you attendees.
Blunder 4: No Offer - A teleseminar is an inexpensive tool that you can use to grow your business.
Successful teleseminars deliver a lot of valuable content and will at some point in the session highlight a product, service or special promotional offer to those on the call.
Use your teleseminar as an opportunity to educate, excite and sell.
Blunder 5: Dead Air -To keep your teleseminar flowing from one thought to the next by avoiding those long awkward pauses follow these tips: 1.
) Script the opening of your call...
The beginning of the call can be the most difficult and many times it will lay the foundation for the rest of the session.
It may take you a few minutes to get warmed up.
Having a script to reference will insure that your call gets off on the right foot.
) Outline...
I use a multi-page document with bullets to outline my teleseminars.
You want a natural, conversational feel to your call therefore scripting out the whole session if ill advised.
) Script the offer...
Unless you are experience in selling from the stage or telephone, you'll want to script out the wording for your offer.
) Q & A...
Many teleseminars will open up at the end of the call for a question and answer session.
The trouble is, many on the call will be hesitate to participate.
It's not uncommon to have dozens of people on your call but have no one ask a question.
The best solution is to plant questions in the audience to get the questioning started.
Blunder 6: Limited Marketing - Don't keep your next seminar a secret.
Here are some inexpensive ways to promote it...
) Mention it in your newsletter and ezine 2.
) Post it on your website 3.
) Email your list 4.
) Use Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter 5.
) Mention your teleseminar on your voicemail greeting Bonus Blunder: Not Having Emergency Supplies Within Reach - Keep water and hard candy within reach to soothe your throat during the call.
A cell phone should be close by just in case you need to get in touch with your guest speaker.
(Remember to turn the ringer off!)

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