Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Learn How to Make a Man Feel Extreme Levels of Attraction for You - 2 Keys Which Always Work

Almost every woman wants to make a man feel attracted to her, but very few women on this planet actually understand how attraction really works.
In fact, what most women assume will attract a man is often the very thing which repulses him.
Do you know the reason behind this? It's because most women are given the wrong advice on major TV shows and popular magazines.
But the mass reach of such advice is so high that it's hard to ignore it.
But today, I'll share the proper ways to attract a man and keep him attracted for as long as you please.
The attraction process follows a very simple procedure.
There are 2 important things you absolutely need to keep in mind, if you wish to make any man feel an intense level of attraction for you...
Key 1 - Appeal to the part of his mind where feelings are generated...
This is something almost no woman out there understands.
Most women make conscious efforts to make a guy like them, efforts such as dressing well, cooking nice meals for him, putting a lot of makeup on.
And if you're like most women, you know that such a thing can only take you so far and its not a fail proof formula.
Therefore, the only thing which will help you to generate intense amounts of attraction in a man's mind, is when you appeal to the emotional part of his mind rather than the logical part.
Key 2 - Trigger his pursuit gene...
This is the 2nd major key you absolutely must follow if you want him to chase you like a puppy dog chases its owner.
Men are born hunters.
Right since the early man days, a man's sole job was to hunt and chase.
A man is biologically programmed to pursue any woman who triggers his pursuit gene.
The issue is that most women don't know that such a thing exists and 2nd, they don't know the right way to trigger this pursuit gene.
You see, every man will chase a woman until the time he's conquered her.
However, if you can cleverly make him chase you, and keep him in that pursuit mode and never give him full access to yourself, he will always feel attraction for you and will never get bored of you.
In fact, this is the real reason behind why some men chase a certain woman all the time, while other women struggle to get even one man to stick around.
When you do things this way, he would only experience happy, positive and awesome feelings whenever he will be around you.
And, such feelings will unconsciously make him want to be around you for as long as possible and as much as possible.

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