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College Applications -5 Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Chances For College Admissions

Sam started his college applications the day they appeared online. In his effort to get the first one completed, he submitted an essay on the wrong topic that was intended for another school. Jennifer read through her college applications, but not as carefully as she should have. Instead of checking early action, she checked regular decision and her application was put in the wrong group and she missed the early action deadline.

Believe it or not, many students make silly mistakes on college applications that can have costly consequences. Once they are submitted, there is not much you can do. Here are some common mistakes that college admissions officers see too frequently on college applications they receive.

1. Lack of Proofreading - Students do not always proofread their applications and check for misspellings and grammatical errors. Spell check does not pick up everything and you cannot count on it. Country is not the same thing as county. It is a good idea to have someone else read your application before you submit it.

2. Ignoring Directions - Read the directions on every application because they often differ slightly from one school to another. If they ask for an essay that is not more than 500 words, your essay should be less than 499. If you do not check the correct box, you may be providing incorrect information.

3. Missing Deadlines - Some colleges accept applications on a rolling basis up until a particular date. Others have a specific date when all applications are due. You can plead all you want with a college admissions officer, but if your application is late, you may be out of luck. This pertains to scholarships also.

4. Incorrect Information - Too often students do not select the correct information in a drop down box. If your social security number is required for financial aid, you need to submit it. Do not include extracurricular activities in which you have not actively participated. If the information you provide does not make sense to college admissions officers or it is incomplete, they may question the rest of the application.

5. Supplements - Colleges often request supplemental material as part of their college applications. This may be some additional questions or another essay that you need to write. If you do not fill out the supplements or send them in, your application is not complete. Until it is complete, it will not be reviewed for college admissions.

Most of the mistakes students make on college applications are due to carelessness. Too often they have failed to plan ahead and as a result, they are rushed and do not pay attention to details. It is important that students put time and effort into their college applications. They should never be done by a parent. Submitting the best applications you can will maximize your chances for college admissions.

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