Health & Medical Parenting

Milk Teeth - The Initial Teething of Infants

Milk teeth derive its name from the fact that the infant has only milk diet before the appearance of its first teeth.
Appearance of the first teeth is a visual treat and a joyful occasion for everyone in the family.
In the initial phase of dentition, twenty milk teeth appear, from 6 or 7 months up to the age of two and a half years.
The teeth first start to appear on the lower jaw and then on the upper jaw.
The actual time for dentition varies for each child.
The Process of Teething: The process of teething, like any other developmental process in the body, is a complex biological process.
This process is commonly associated with many physical disturbances including Inflammation in the gums resulting in severe pain.
Sometimes infection or diarrhea also sets in.
Symptomatic treatment is the best choice to give relief to the child.
Management of the Teething Process: Introduction: As mentioned earlier, the process of teething is commonly associated with severe pain, which is usually the first severe pain experienced by the child.
It causes a lot of anxiety to the family members, who therefore try to divert the child's attention by playing.
More than 60% of the children suffer with the so called "Teething Troubles".
The pain suffered by the infant due to the teething process causes the mother to suffer as well, though mentally.
The anxious mother will try various means to reduce the pain of the child.
To better manage the child it best that the mother has some basic knowledge on the teething process.
Minimizing Teething Difficulties: The child that is healthy with adequate strength will undergo very minimal initial pain associated with teething.
For the child to be healthy the diet given to the child has to be given in complete compliance with the child's growth phase.
Before the appearance of the teeth, if the child has been fed adequately with breast milk the chances of the child facing the teething trouble is low.
Indications of First Teething: When the tooth appears it is usually accompanied with swelling and inflammation of the gums, excessive salivary secretion and reddening of the cheeks.
The child will feel more thirsty, reflecting in the higher pressure applied on the breast during feeding.
Due to the associated pain the child will have incomplete feeding.
The child may also rub its hands over the gums trying to find relief.
In some cases there might be diarrhea, vomiting and other digestive disorders.
These symptoms start to appear just before the tooth appears and will leave once the tooth comes out.
It might get repeated for each tooth that comes out.
Remedies for the Teething Troubles: Though teething troubles might cause anxiety to the parents, it does not require any medical attention on the onset.
Simple home based remedies can be easily followed.
Bringing the child to fresh air and allowing it to breathe the fresh air will give some relief to the child.
Administration of small amount of castor oil will reduce irritable bowels.
Cold water sponging can be done once everyday using clean dry soft cloth, as it gives a soothing effect to the child.
The frequency of breast feeding can be increased with reduction in the time of feeding.
This helps the child to keep its mouth moist and the thirst also being quenched.
The mother has to maintain good health during these periods.
She should be on a good nutritious diet.
Soothing the Pain in Gums: During teething the child experiences pressure in the gums leading to pain.
It will be of great help if the gums are rubbed with some objects giving a soothing effect due to friction.
Commonly used objects for this purpose are roughened iquorice or root of orris.
Sometimes ring made out of ivory can also be used.
Care should be taken the object is not taken up by the child into its nostrils or swallow it.
Some Remedies in Other Countries: The liquorice's root or some other items with honey dip is given to the child to grind it up in France.
The same mixed with some spices is given at the period of 1st teething in Germany.
It must be remembered that excessive use of sugar might cause bowel disturbances in the child.

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