Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Kick The Habit - Simply Decide To Quit…

Just about the very biggest mistake that everyone makes regarding quitting their poisonous tobacco addiction is when they tell all and sundry, as well as themselves, that they're now going to kick the habit once and for all - Of course, we all know that Saying something and actually meaning it are two very different things!

It would be quite difficult for me to be able to tell you exactly how many times i personally tried and have also seen so many others try to stop smoking simply to fail miserably because of this very reason.

After each and every failure the nicotine addiction is heavier and the smokers excuses hit new heights until we completely finish trying to quit since we 'know' it isn't going to work anyway!

It's likely that most of you reading this right now have actually been through this exact miserable cycle and so know precisely how it feels and will likely be feeling fairly sorry for yourselves around about now.

The act of quitting that deadly smoking habit is most definitely not something to be taken lightly. It shouldn't be a thing you just say "because it seemed right at the time" - you have to know what you're letting yourself in for and like everything else in life, if it's something you really mean to do then you will if you unconditionally stay true to your word.

If you've made the decision that the cigarette you just finished was the absolute last then you need to hold that belief in your head at all times - that was positively my last cigarette!

You've very likely already done at least some research and so you'll know that nicotine is a serious addiction and is the cause of all the cravings you have for those terrible 'coffin nails' - the more you partake of them, the more you require.

You need to understand this; you WILL have cravings and you'll deal with them one way or another, especially if you're going to go 'cold turkey'.

Going 'cold turkey' by the way is the honest-to-god best way of quitting smoking. Please don't misunderstand me though, it can be tough going but if you're sincerely committed to your decision, if you have sublime willpower and understand what the cravings are and recognize them as they hit, then you can't lose.

It all comes down to this old but spot-on statement; if you desire something bad enough, you shall have it so long as you pay the price. In this case if you can cope with the cravings and stick to a life-changing decision, then you'll achieve a way of quitting smoking!

In summary; the solid and absolute final decision of quitting the life destroying habit of smoking is an absolute must and even though you're bound to find it a little tough at first, being able to kick the habit is much easier than you think - YOU ONLY HAVE TO WANT TO!

Quitting smoking naturally, speedily, and permanently isn't and has never been about overly complicated systems and/or poisonous pills and patches - it's all about simplicity, a little bit of will-power and some genuine tried and tested tobacco-quitting knowledge.

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