Pets & Animal Horses

Abscesses in Horses - Lavender Can Help

Those who are horse owners know how expensive it can be to own and care for a horse.
Routine care and feeding is costly enough but when something goes wrong and calling the vet is the only option you think you have, it can really cause a financial hardship.
Abscesses in horses is a definite issue that can be helped with home remedies in the early stages.
There are ways to cut some of those unsightly vet costs by learning how to make some of your own home remedies that can be just as effective as any modern treatment, at a fraction of the cost; no vet necessary.
The Benefits of Lavender The lavender plant has long held many healing properties.
Not only is the plant fragrant but also very useful in home remedies that offer relief from many types of ailments for people as well as animals.
When we think of lavender, typically we think of perfumes, soaps and lotions.
In addition to its soothing smell, lavender also offers real health benefits and relief for animals and people.
In various different forms lavender has been known to treat respiratory issues, improve the circulation of blood, relieve pain and been used as a disinfectant for the skin, coat and scalp.
The soothing scent offers a calming property thought to reduce anxiety and nervousness.
Growing Lavender To grow, lavender requires warm conditions and full sun with moist soil.
Very cold weather or very wet soil will result in the loss of the plant.
The good news is that once the plant is strong and well established it becomes very hearty and can grow in many conditions.
The plant grows best in tight spaces that are moist but not damp and in pots or spaces that allow for root growth and air flow.
If you do not have the luxury of a consistent climate all year round, planting lavender outside during the warm months and moving it inside in the cooler months allows you to have it all year round.
Growing lavender in pots indoors allows for more consistent climate control and a better long term result.
Compact variety seeds are the best for indoor planting.
Uses for Lavender The therapeutic uses of lavender are countless.
Horse owners have learned that incorporating the use of lavender in every day horse care offers many benefits.
Wiping a horse down with a sponge soaked in lavender oil can offer a calming sensation; this is especially effective in neglected or very spirited horses.
Soaking and cleaning hoofs in lavender oil contributes to strong hoofs and improves the overall hoof condition.
Using a lavender oil soaks can reduce swelling or inflammation on leg areas.
For a shiny, healthy coat give your horse a sponge bath using warm water mixed with lavender essential oil.
The same treatment can be used to promote healing of minor cuts and abrasions.
Lavender has many benefits to animals, just as it does for people.
and abscesses in horses is another problem that can be treated with lavender Most herbs offer a wide variety of treatments that can help many ailments that are common in horses from a minor cut to a hoof inflammation.
Learning how to use lavender as a regular part of caring for your horse is really one method of care that should be in every horse owner's handbook.
Not only is lavender a best kept secret but a major money saver.

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