Cars & Vehicles Recreation Vehicle

RV Paper Products Unrolling

Very often, while traveling, I have found that the toilet paper roll or the paper towel roll has spun and unrolled itself from the vibrations of the road.
This annoying problem has a very simple and an earth friendly solution.
Read on for the exciting results of years of traveling experience.
While it can be fun to try to get all that paper neatly back on the roll, some people don't find that this is an entertaining project.
If you have better thing to do, then you might find this easy solution will end the paper unraveling woes.
Simply place an elastic band on the roll - the roll can spin, but will not spew its contents on the floor.
When parked, just move the elastic band to the side and let it hang there for the next trip.
Use this idea, both on the toilet paper roll and the paper towel roll.
Of course, you have to remember to do this before each trip - just add it to your pre-trip check list...
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