Discover How Digital Readers Can Boost Ebook Profits
So just what is a digital reader?
Well in a nutshell it is like a paper-back, only it is an electronic reading device. It is about the same size as a small paper-back book and it looks very much like real paper and print as you read it.
Would you like to benefit from digital readers now?
The really cool thing is that instead of having just one book, some digital readers are capable of holding a couple of hundred eBooks, magazines or daily newspapers. Can you imagine how it would feel to take a small library away with you on your trips? You can carry it in your coat pocket or bag.............Oh, and weighing in at less than a pound in weight?
How can I increase my eBook sales?
Oprah just endorsed a major brand of digital eBook reader on her show very recently. Actually, saying she endorsed it is an understatement. She actually said it was, "her new favorite thing." Do you understand what that is going to do for digital reader sales? Through the roof this Christmas! So combine her glowing endorsement with other glowing reviews you can find elsewhere, plus your eBooks and you have a golden opportunity to cash in this Christmas.
Just imagine checks coming in from a major online book seller in time for you to perhaps buy your own digital reading device for Christmas? Get in now and get people buying your books and get one up on the competition so you are already in the front of their mind.
You can tap into this lucrative market for your eBooks and profit very quickly with just a bit of effort and some inside info.
Digital readers are getting so much attention now, that the buyers of eBooks cannot help but see the advantages of carrying their own personal library around to read where and when they choose. They will always have the book they want and when they want it. Access to thousands of publications is instantaneous.
Most NY Times best sellers are available for less than ten bucks for digital readers!
Are you up for increasing the profits from your eBooks?
Would you like to harness the power of a major online retailer to help you make more money? Well you can, yes you, but you need to take action to do so.
If you have an eBook, that's great. If you do not, don't worry as you can get one written for you for a few hundred dollars on almost any subject you care to mention by simply posting an idea and some chapter headings on an online writer's site and people will bid to do the writing and research for your digital reader format book.
All you need to do is give it a title, edit and add a cover and voila! You now have an eBook ready to upload to a digital reader site in time for Christmas.
If you do not fancy that idea, then see how many private label rights you have on your computer and compile the content of two or three and make one eBook to see for very little layout. You can even call it your own in most cases.
Don't get left behind as the really astute eBook authors are already using the power of digital readers to get their books in front of a new generation of readers. This market is going to explode as thousands of new people search for information each day.
Don't delay. Market you eBooks in a new way today to help explode your sales.
Well in a nutshell it is like a paper-back, only it is an electronic reading device. It is about the same size as a small paper-back book and it looks very much like real paper and print as you read it.
Would you like to benefit from digital readers now?
The really cool thing is that instead of having just one book, some digital readers are capable of holding a couple of hundred eBooks, magazines or daily newspapers. Can you imagine how it would feel to take a small library away with you on your trips? You can carry it in your coat pocket or bag.............Oh, and weighing in at less than a pound in weight?
How can I increase my eBook sales?
Oprah just endorsed a major brand of digital eBook reader on her show very recently. Actually, saying she endorsed it is an understatement. She actually said it was, "her new favorite thing." Do you understand what that is going to do for digital reader sales? Through the roof this Christmas! So combine her glowing endorsement with other glowing reviews you can find elsewhere, plus your eBooks and you have a golden opportunity to cash in this Christmas.
Just imagine checks coming in from a major online book seller in time for you to perhaps buy your own digital reading device for Christmas? Get in now and get people buying your books and get one up on the competition so you are already in the front of their mind.
You can tap into this lucrative market for your eBooks and profit very quickly with just a bit of effort and some inside info.
Digital readers are getting so much attention now, that the buyers of eBooks cannot help but see the advantages of carrying their own personal library around to read where and when they choose. They will always have the book they want and when they want it. Access to thousands of publications is instantaneous.
Most NY Times best sellers are available for less than ten bucks for digital readers!
Are you up for increasing the profits from your eBooks?
Would you like to harness the power of a major online retailer to help you make more money? Well you can, yes you, but you need to take action to do so.
If you have an eBook, that's great. If you do not, don't worry as you can get one written for you for a few hundred dollars on almost any subject you care to mention by simply posting an idea and some chapter headings on an online writer's site and people will bid to do the writing and research for your digital reader format book.
All you need to do is give it a title, edit and add a cover and voila! You now have an eBook ready to upload to a digital reader site in time for Christmas.
If you do not fancy that idea, then see how many private label rights you have on your computer and compile the content of two or three and make one eBook to see for very little layout. You can even call it your own in most cases.
Don't get left behind as the really astute eBook authors are already using the power of digital readers to get their books in front of a new generation of readers. This market is going to explode as thousands of new people search for information each day.
Don't delay. Market you eBooks in a new way today to help explode your sales.