Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

What Are the Causes of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate Cancer (PC) is one of the most common diseases which has been "hitting" men aged 50 and above.
It's exact causes are unknown, yet there have been noted contributing factors which have been pointed out by some research as they have allegedly been affecting how cancer cells tend to spread and grow.
These are: Age.
Men over 50 are at risk of Prostate Cancer and the risk correspondingly increases with age.
This doesn't mean though that men aged below 50 are safe from this disease.
They too can get it but the probability is lower compared to those aged 50 above.
The testosterone (male hormone) level can affect the risks of having Prostate Cancer.
Though testosterone itself does not cause PC, it would feed its growth, which is the very reason why some cancer treatments are aimed to block the body's production of testosterone.
Hereditary Factors.
Like in any other types of cancer diseases, hereditary factors play a significant role in developing Prostate Cancer.
Men who have Prostate Cancer-stricken relatives are at a higher risk of developing it than men whose family doesn't have any trace of relative having PC.
This factor is said to contribute so much to the development of Prostate Cancer.
Yet this is the most controllable one since it is influenced by one's food intake which must be free from animal fats, which leads to a greater risk of PC.
Given the contributing factors leading to Prostate Cancer, one may ask if there could be a way to avoid these risks or more so, keep himself from developing the disease.
There may not be anything we can do about age and hereditary factors, so focus must be made on diet and testosterone, which are the controllable factors.
There are only three basic steps to prevent Prostate Cancer.
First, watch your diet.
Avoid dairy food or those which have a high content of animal fats.
Work on a prostate-friendly diet.
Second, change your lifestyle.
Engage in a healthy lifestyle.
Do some regular exercise which could keep you and your prostate fit and healthy.
Finally, take some nutritional supplements.
Your daily intake of food may not serve you the adequate and appropriate nutrients you might need to maintain a healthy prostate.
Go natural.
A dose of the right nutritional supplements could do wonders for your health.
As the saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure".
So what's the point of worrying? Go for a healthy regimen, and go for it NOW.

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