Business & Finance Economics

Inflation - Growth Is Good, The Universe Is Inflating - The Economist Stated?

Boy, I tell you.
One thing that really bothers me is when journalist, aka political operatives, hijack the science news for their own accord.
Taking a scientific research study, blowing it out of proportion, as big as the universe in some cases and just keep blowing it up bigger and bigger and then use that to somehow suggest a correlation for to some political agenda item.
Let's talk.
You see, I know there are many economists out there, some with Nobel Prizes who are downright socialists in every regard, folks who never met a stimulus they didn't like and despite history they expect inflation to get them out of their spending sprees.
Okay so, let me expand this intellectual dialogue a bit more, not that we need another bubble in our economy or universe for that matter, but rather to illustrate a point without using a Hubble Telescope Bubble.
I read an interesting Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal on March 19, 2014 titled; "Eureka!" which stated; "The golden age of physics yields another cosmic scoop," and "So there's good inflation after all, on Monday a team of astronomers reported finding gravitational waves dating back 13 billion yeas.
The finding, based on years of observational work from radio telescopes at the South Pole, strongly supports a standard theory in modern cosmology known as "inflation" which in turn explains the uniformity of the cosmos.
" Now then, just so you realize the relevance of this Op-Ed above also read Space Ref article; "First Direct Evidence of Cosmic Inflation," by Keith Cowing replayed from HSCfA on March 17, 2014.
What happened here is hardly a small thing, it's a universal problem we have in the media.
For instance, the spendthrifts of the world whether they be Argentina, Venezuela, the PIIGS of the Eurozone or the socialist-democrats in Washington DC seem to want us to now believe that building bubbles in this dimension, in our economy, in the global economy is a good thing, and that inflation will take care of any problems which are unintended consequences, we will just out run the space debris of bad economic policies.
After all, if the universe is expanding, and we are here due to inflation, then it must be a good thing they surmise.
Only one problem with that, we live on a finite planet, and this pale blue dot isn't expanding nearly as fast as the arrogance of the socialist agenda on our monetary system and global economy - and not to be one to borrow their buzz-words, but if anything is "unsustainable" it would be inflation in a finite system.
Please consider all this and think on it.

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