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Learn How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog With These Simple Strategies

After you establish an online presence and create all the required accounts the next thing on your list is to drive traffic to your blog.
This is a crucial element of your online business because without it, you won't be able to generate leads and turn them into customers.
You can get traffic in both ways: free or paid.
In the long run, the free methods are more effective because you bring visitors to your site this year or over 3 years.
Instead, if you cut off the budget for Facebook PPC or Pay per Click the steady stream of potential customers is gone.
Thus, today I will share with you some powerful free strategies to drive traffic to your blog.
Enjoy! 1.
Niche Marketing Domination It's a very powerful technique that combines article marketing, blogging, social media and SEO.
Basically, you have to choose a primary keyword and 4 secondary keywords based on the first one.
After that, you write 4 blog posts with these 4 words and interlink them.
In the end, you publish all of them at the same time.
With the proper syndication, you will reach the first page of Google in less than a day and be able to generate huge amounts of traffic and leads! Very strong! 2.
Article Marketing Write articles ( with 400-500 words) and submit them to the best article directories: Ezine Articles, Article Dashboard, Go Articles and so forth.
In the resource box you have to include a link to your blog and a capture page link.
This way, you drive traffic to your blog immediately and for the years to come as well.
Video Marketing It's a strong method that serves for multiple purposes: traffic, marketing and branding.
You have to shoot a video and submit it to various video sharing websites: Youtube, Metacafe, Vimeo, Daily Motion and many more others.
Blog comments If you visit daily more blogs from your niche and leave a comment there, a backlink will be created instantly.
As a result your traffic and rankings will grow considerably.
Forums It's a popular technique in the online world.
You must visit various forums related to your domain and leave a comment with a link back to your blog or to a specific capture page.
Content syndication After you write an article, a blog post or shoot a video make sure to distribute it in as many places as possible: article directories, social media sites or social bookmarking sites.
I also recommend tribes! Your content is shared by other people and you get a ton of backlinks and traffic.
These are 6 powerful strategies to drive traffic to your blog for free! Stay consistent with them and you will see massive results!

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