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Stop Menopause - Laugh Your Heart Out With ‘Menopause, the Musical’

Menopausal stage is an inevitable part of every woman's life. Each woman undergo, sacrifice and suffer all of its accompanying symptoms that could verily disrupt her every day routine.
It is considered as one of the worst predicaments they will ever encounter. Do not think of it as a laughing matter, these symptoms are apparently painful. Indeed, they are.
Nevertheless, creator Jeanie Linders found a way to make the experience of menopause symptoms light as possible.
In the light of pain, who could have thought that menopause, which is believed to be a woman's worst nightmare, can be regarded as a good concept for a Broadway show?
The cast has been touring in different countries to introduce the lighter side of menopause and menopausal stage. Considered as the longest running hit Broadway show, it has captured the hearts of the many women who have experienced and are battling menopause.
How did they do it? Some say it depends upon which symptoms you would like expose first. Yes, there are numerous symptoms to choose form.
Since the show is musical, they are using pop hits to may it more fun and light. Songs like "My Guy" becomes "My Thighs" and from the Bee Gees' "Night Fever" turned out to be "Night Sweating" accompanied with "Saturday Night Fever" groovy dance moves.
The story cores upon a group of four women who are buying lingerie at Bloomindales. All throughout the musical, they belted out 25 songs, sharing their experiences about the menopause signs such as hot flashes, loss of memory, nocturnal sweats and sexual problems to name a few.
The line of attack sounds hilarious, yes it was indeed. The purpose of the musical was for all to understand why women undergo menopause and that they are not alone in this journey. Laughing it off on the side, this is a perfect way to educate and know at the same time.
Pleased with the production, the musical garnered more applause than expected. Boisterous laughter and exchange of gleeful experiences roar with every note belted out on stage. Certainly, this is one spectacular musical event that is a must-see.
The good thing about menopause, the musical is that it gives the audience, especially the women, hope amidst the darkest ordeal of their lives. Indeed, it sounds therapeutic, it is, and leaves a mark to the all.
The reviews on the musical does not clearly indicate if the show incorporated the hormone replacement therapy on the script -- since the show caters more on how to overcome the symptoms without undergoing any medications.
Although it has been criticized due to its bad recording and poor sound system, overall the musical show turned out to be a success - the radiating laughter is its best proof.
Hence, the whole theatrical show with its stellar cast demonstrate awareness of what is menopause based on creativity of the director and scriptwriter. Though the implication of the whole performance is the hilarious celebration of every woman's stage, it is also very apparent that they are taking the opportunity to educate the populace and accept menopause as it is.

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