Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why You Can"t Seem to Get Yourself to Lose Weight and How to Fix It!

"The human body is the best picture of the human soul.
" - Ludwig Wittgenstein There are many reasons why you haven't started to lose weight.
It could be that you don't have enough time or that your TV show is on that you need to watch!;) Putting all the excuses aside, I have come to the conclusion there is one main reason why you are not losing weight right now! The reason is your set of..
Rules Now, in life we each have our own set of rules about what we "must not do" what we "should not do" what we "must do" and what we "should do.
" The problem with most people is that they have all these should not's and should's and they need to make them into musts.
When you talk to someone who is fit, healthy and has no problem controlling their weight you will find out that they have a lot of must's and minimal should's about their health.
Here are some examples of my must's and must not's: Must Not do •I must not overeat •I must not miss more than one day of exercise •I must not eat junk food •I must not drink alcohol Must do •I must exercise for at least 30 minutes each day •I must eat raw fruits and vegetables rich in water •I must drink a gallon of water each day •I must run at least three times a week On the other hand I have about one should: I should exercise more..
Okay let us take a look at the other side.
Examples of someone who hasn't lost the weight they know they "should.
" An example of their Must's and should's look like this: Should not do •I shouldn't eat chocolate and ice cream •I shouldn't overeat to the point where I feel sick and sluggish •I shouldn't drink alcohol •I shouldn't sit down on the couch and watch t.
v while I haven't exercised Should do •I should eat more fruits and vegetables •I should exercise more •I should go for a 30 minute jog in the morning •I should lose weight Most people's must list's for staying healthy look like this: In order to be healthy I must get enough sleep and eat.
That is it! Does this sound all too familiar to you? Well if it does, then it is time to make a change! You must lose weight now! You must start eating right today! You must, you must, you must! This is your health that you are putting at risk! You must change it now! How To Change Your Rules Now 1.
Write down what your current rules are.
What your "should do's" what your "should not do's" what your "must do's" and what your "must not do's" are.
Simply change the ones that are disempowering you! If there are some shoulds that you need to make must's make them a must on the paper.
It will soon translate into your subconscious mind 3.
Remind yourself everyday what your musts are to be healthy and make sure you meet them.
It becomes a habit! Once you have conditioned your new rules in your mind for 30 days they have become a habit and it will be hard to break them now!

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