Law & Legal & Attorney Real estate & property Law

How to Fill Out a Landlord & Tenant Agreement Lease Form

    • 1). Know the laws of your state regarding landlord and tenant responsibilities before filling out a lease for your house or apartment. Thoroughly understand each law so you will be able to answer any of the tenants questions before they sign the lease.

    • 2). Prepare your property for leasing by making sure all structures, amenities, equipment and grounds meet the legal standards and codes. Make any necessary additions or repairs to prepare the house or apartment for leasing.

    • 3). Obtain a copy of your state's lease agreement. Some landlords compose their own lease agreement instead of using their state's standard form. Give the tenants a copy of the lease prior to their signing it if they want to take it home to review it with their attorney.

    • 4). Date the lease and designate the landlord's name, address and phone number, including any cell phone number. Fill in all adult tenants' names, length of occupancy, rent per month and security and pet deposits, if pets are allowed. State when and where the rent is due and any penalties involved if it is late. Explain the conditions under which the security deposit is refundable.

    • 5). Write a description of the dwelling and any parking privileges, appliances or amenities that are included in the rent. State who is responsible for utility bills, trash collection fees and property repair and maintenance. Let the tenants know if they are allowed to alter the house or apartment in any way.

    • 6). State how many people or pets may live in the house or apartment and whether the tenants would be allowed to sublet. Describe termination notification procedures for landlord and tenants and what would happen if the tenants abandon the premises.

    • 7). Explain the landlord's right of entry. Specify under what conditions the landlord may enter the house or apartment. Include when and under what circumstances other people may enter the property, both in emergency and non-emergency situations.

    • 8). Review guest regulations, rules of conduct and use of the grounds such as gardening and barbecuing. Designate any additional terms such as if the use of waterbeds or keeping of aquariums is forbidden.

    • 9). Go through the property and grounds with the tenants to make a damage list so the condition of the property is known by everyone before the lease is signed and the tenants move in. Have all adult tenants sign the condition form. This will protect both landlord and tenants regarding the security deposit when the tenants vacate.

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      Collect the security deposit and any other fees you are requesting, such as last month's rent or pet deposit, when the lease is signed.

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      Request that every adult who will be living in your property sign and date the lease. Give your new tenants a receipt for whatever payments they have made.

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