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Another Lonely Weekend Without Love

Another Lonely Weekend Without Love
The Aquarius Jane Series

Another Valentine's Day has come and gone. You have survived the torment of not being with or feeling the love a companionship offers. Some sense of adequacy has returned and then boom, before you know it its Friday night after a long week at work, school or both. The Weekends can be horrible for those us who seek, desire, want and are waiting for the love companionship offers. Dreaming of the day that you will enjoy the feeling of being connected with and belonging to that special someone. Then at the 8pm hour on that Friday night it becomes clear that this will be Another Lonely Weekend Without Love. How do you overcome that terrible feeling?

In previous articles the topics of fear of rejection and overcoming low self esteem was covered. Lonely weekends are fertile soil for those fears and feelings to come into full bloom, adding to the depression loneliness bring. As stated in previous articles the first thing to do is ANYTHING. ACTIONS, SOMETHING, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS DO SOMETHING. Alone time can be used to your advantage, this is the time that you can work on you without destroying a relationship in the process. Do you have negative feelings about your weight? Use your alone time to focus on ways you can improve your weight, I guarantee you just an adjustment of your attention and focus away from being alone to improving those areas of yourself you don't like will erase the lonely blues. Do you have negative feeling about your personal style? Use your alone time to dress yourself up to how you imagine you would want to appear. Maybe it's the fear of striking up that conversation with that someone you have your eyes on. Use your alone time to learn conversation techniques. Even the feelings of never finding quite the right match can be overcome. Study and research on how and what to look for in a mate.

The point of this Article is one do SOMETHING, don't sit around in those sad lonely feelings, this always makes it worse. Secondly, use your alone time to strengthen those areas of yourself you don't like. There are many resources online that can help you with aspects of yourself you desire to change.

Using your alone time to improve yourself will not only counteract the depression that comes with loneliness, it will also improve your self esteem. As a result when your love comes they will find a confident mate in you and then you will see that being alone instead of a curse it was your blessing. And always remember your love will come, it always come, your love will come.

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