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How to Get Rid of a Beer Gut Fast

The beer gut is one of the most common fat belly issues many people deal with.
It is wise to drink all alcoholic beverages in moderation, yet there are many beer fanatics that drink several times per week if not more.
Over time, the empty calories from beer add up and the extra weight is often displayed right in our mid-sections.
Men are typically well known for the beer belly but it can happen to women just as easily.
It is a very good idea to reduce a large belly due to the health risks that are increased from having one.
Excess stomach fat increases the risk of health related issues such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and more.
If you are still a beer drinker, cutting back or cutting it out all together is necessary for losing weight.
Reduce a Beer Gut Fast Besides cutting down or avoiding beer, there are other important things to consider in order to burn fat.
Our diets must change to achieve progress in our weight loss.
This can be difficult if you are used to eating whatever you want.
In order to keep your diet simple yet healthy, do your best to avoid processed foods and simple carbs.
These types of foods usually contain a lot of sugar.
Sugar that isn't burned is stored as fat in the body.
The next step is to burn fat with the right exercise.
Don't make the common mistake of becoming caught up in doing only cardio.
Cardio is great for burning calories but resistance training is much better for burning fat.
Resistance training can be accomplished with your own body weight, free weights, or both.
Great fat burning exercises include calisthenics, plyometrics, and strength training.
When done in combination with each other, you will also get an intense cardio workout that won't cause muscle loss like long steady-state cardio sessions.
As a quick recap, keep the following in mind for losing a beer belly: 1.
Improve eating habits (avoid refined sugar, processed foods) 2.
Practice resistance training (calisthenics, plyometrics, free weights) 3.
Do steady-state cardio in moderation to reduce muscle loss 4.
Avoid alcohol or drink in moderation Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, losing weight and reducing stomach fat can be accomplished with the right plan.
It helps to have a blueprint to follow.
Without a guide, it can be difficult to keep your motivation levels high.

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