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What Is the Meaning of a Serape?

    How it's made

    • The Mexican serape is made of cotton and wool. These materials are commonly used to create various textiles by Mexicans.

    Where it's made

    • In Mexico, there are numerous areas where the serape is made. The Mexican serape is created most often in the states of Coahuila, Guanajuato, Michoacan, Puebla, Quetetaro, and Zacatecas.

    Weaving tradition

    • Serapes are derived from a variety of European and Mesoamerican weaving traditions. The European blend weaves cotton and dyes, while the Mesoamerican blend weaves wool in to create designs.


    • The serape is extremely versatile and can be used either as a coat or a shawl for keeping someone warm. As a blanket, it can be used for a baby's crib or even as padding from a saddle on the back of a horse.

    Who wears the serape

    • While anyone can wear a serape, it is traditionally a masculine garment that reflects the socioeconomic status of the man who is wearing it. People of high status typically wear the European blend and consider them a luxury garment. The Mesoamerican blend is used by horsemen and laborers.

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