Quit Smoking - Programs, Methods And Quit Smoking Tips
In order for you to succeed in your decision to quit smoking [http://bestquitsmokingtips.com] it is important for you to first be properly prepared. Quitting smoking is an achievement - and it requires the same dedicated preparation and training as an elite athlete before a big race! One method that sports people tend to use the so-called mental training - they create a picture of the race and looks around itself as the winner. You can also try this in your attempt to get nicotine free.
But practise is also very important. Your practise before quitting smoking will be that you take some steps for you yourself, in your home and in your surroundings - before taking the big step to quit for good.
The first thing you need to do is decide which date you will quit smoking. Please note that you need your time to prepare. In our experience, usually need 3-6 weeks. Sometimes you need to have a longer preparation period, which extends over 2-6 months - but the risk is then that your determination and motivation to stop smoking, reduces along the way. Once you've decided on a date, you can continue to follow
instructions here below.
Gather as much material as you can about the benefits of quitting smoking. Make a list of everything you can think of as a reason to stop smoking. Keep the list in front, and continue to complete it as soon as you come up with something new! Every time you feel the urge to smoke and are on the way to light a cigarette - Try to stop and think. How necessary is precisely this cigarette for me? Write down all cigarettes you smoke in a day. Write also what you do when you smoke. Rate each cigarette on a scale of 1-3. How important is this particular cigarette for you? How many 3s do you get? This method helps you to recognize the situations and times of day when your craving is highest. These "risk situations" you need to think through and try to do something about before you quit. If you learn to recognize your own habits and risk situations it will be easier for you to take control of your smoking and become an ex-smokers.
But practise is also very important. Your practise before quitting smoking will be that you take some steps for you yourself, in your home and in your surroundings - before taking the big step to quit for good.
The first thing you need to do is decide which date you will quit smoking. Please note that you need your time to prepare. In our experience, usually need 3-6 weeks. Sometimes you need to have a longer preparation period, which extends over 2-6 months - but the risk is then that your determination and motivation to stop smoking, reduces along the way. Once you've decided on a date, you can continue to follow
instructions here below.
Gather as much material as you can about the benefits of quitting smoking. Make a list of everything you can think of as a reason to stop smoking. Keep the list in front, and continue to complete it as soon as you come up with something new! Every time you feel the urge to smoke and are on the way to light a cigarette - Try to stop and think. How necessary is precisely this cigarette for me? Write down all cigarettes you smoke in a day. Write also what you do when you smoke. Rate each cigarette on a scale of 1-3. How important is this particular cigarette for you? How many 3s do you get? This method helps you to recognize the situations and times of day when your craving is highest. These "risk situations" you need to think through and try to do something about before you quit. If you learn to recognize your own habits and risk situations it will be easier for you to take control of your smoking and become an ex-smokers.