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Best Ways To Flirt With Girls - Here Is How To Make Them Go All Crazy Over You Extremely Fast

So, you're not sure what will work to get her interested in you? What's the best way to flirt with a girl nowadays? Read on to see these three simple tips to attract a girl with your flirting.

Whisper in her ear: It's all about getting near her and creating sexual tension without being so obvious about it. By whispering sweet compliments in her ear you'll not only give her goose bumps, you'll get her thinking about you.

A whisper in the ear is one the best ways to flirt with girls without being looked at as needy. If you play your cards right, she'll whisper back and after a while you can turn things up a notch.

Eye contact: Keeping your eyes on her while she's talking will let her know you are really paying attention to what she's saying. Girls feel attracted to men that are focused on them and them alone. If your eyes stray somewhere else - especially to other women in the room - you will lose her.

Making and keeping eye contact with a girl will also demonstrate that you are an honest guy with good intentions. Not just a creep trying to get her in bed.

Praise: You don't have to worship the ground she walks on. (That can make things worse, actually.) However every girl loves a compliment. Sure, you can tell her she looks beautiful. But, it's more than that. Tell her that her dress color suits her figure or that her makeup makes her eyes shine more. Girls will love that you noticed!

Also, praise her on her accomplishments. If she tells you how she handled a tough client or situation at work, commend her on her deeds. She will appreciate being appreciated and will be very attracted to a man who shows interest in her work.

Now Listen Carefully-

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