Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Your Skin Matters:The Need For Professional Photoaging Treatments


Our skin protects us from the elements and is highly durable. Despite this, we find that our skin seems to be aging faster these days. One of the possible reasons for this is because of our constant exposure to sunlight. This phenomenon is called photoaging and is very common. Often, photoaging can be first spotted in the initial stages. In this stage, your skin starts forming wrinkles and you get spider veins on your face and neck.

Treating Photoaging


If you feel that your skin is going through the initial stages of photoaging, then it is best to prevent more damage on your skin. Use sunscreen, protective clothing and keep your skin hydrated to protect it.


Lasers are used against photoaging to penetrate the upper layer of your skin and fix any damage that might be there underneath. The lasers are of both narrow and broad spectrum and vary in intensity.


Dermabrasion uses a vacuum along with a brush to remove the upper-most layer of the skin. This lets a younger layer of skin take its place.

BOTOX And Fillers

BOTOX and fillers are both substances that are injected to your face to reduce the signs of aging. BOTOX relaxes the muscles which cause the signs of aging, while fillers make the uneven surfaces of your face fuller.

Regardless of the treatment you choose, make sure you research the clinic you plan to go to. For example, if you're going to a Kaya Skin Clinic in Gurgaon, check out the reviews of Kaya Skin Clinic Gurgaon.

 Our skin is the most durable organ of our bodies. Due to its harsh exposure to the sun and the high levels of pollution, we find that our skin ages faster. In this article, you'll read about the different ways to handle and treat this issue.

If you observe your daily activities, you'll find that you're drifting towards a more healthy, peaceful lifestyle. We make it a point to go to gyms and we eat healthy food. Another trend is that the number of people who consciously maintain their skin has also increased.

Our skin protects us from the elements and is highly durable. Despite this, we find that our skin seems to be aging faster these days. One of the possible reasons for this is because of our constant exposure to sunlight. This phenomenon is called photoaging and is very common. Often, photoaging can be first spotted in the initial stages. In this stage, your skin starts forming wrinkles and you get spider veins on your face and neck.


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