Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Better Your Sex Life With Spontaneity!

One of the easiest ways to improve your sex life is to not think about it.
This may sound like a contradiction in terms, but it is possible.
Many couples have been told that being spontaneous is a key to improving your sex life, but some people find it difficult to incorporate this into their lives.
Here are a few simple tips you can use to add spontaneity to your sex life.
Don't be afraid to take control.
Initiate sex.
Don't wait for your partner to bring it up or wait until after Leno is over.
Go for it! Now! You never know, your partner might have a fantasy of you doing just that.
Also, it gives the added benefit of letting your partner know that you want sex too, and you aren't just doing it for his or her pleasure.
Not around your partner, but want to get things started? Grab your cell phone or computer and send a text message.
Make it a little naughty, and clearly state what is waiting when he or she gets home.
You can also slip notes into his or her briefcase or leave a naughty voice mail.
If you really want to have fun, call him or her at work and then proceed to explain what you planning on doing the second he or she walks through the door.
If you have children, spontaneity can be a little more difficult, but not entirely impossible.
Once the kids are tucked into bed, instead of taking that time to rest from a busy day, use it for other activities.
You have so little free time when you are truly alone, so this is an ideal time to have a little romance.
They have their water, and it is too early for nightmares or to have to go potty.
Take this moment, and enjoy it.
Even if you have children, you can still follow the next tip.
Get sex out of the bedroom.
Pounce on your partner while watching tv, or while doing dishes.
Send the kids to walk to dog or rake the leaves.
Put a movie on.
Anything to keep their little minds occupied while you have a little romance.
Keep it quiet, and have a quickie.
The extra thrill of possibly getting caught can make it even hotter.
Look around your house.
Walk through looking at every nook and cranny.
Find new places to be intimate.
Maybe you want to try a new position and the bedroom isn't the best place to try it.
Look for places where you could.
Use the old standbys, like the couch, and try some new locations.
If you have privacy, try outside.
Or just leave home and check into a hotel.
Take a sick day, and spend the day with your partner.
You can plan to be spontaneous as well.
Ship the kids off to their grandparent's house, pack a few bags, and pick up your partner from work.
Instead of taking them home, take them to a hotel.
You don't even have to go far from home, just a change of venue.
Maybe find a hotel with fantasy suites.
If it is off season, go to a local tourist area, and you will likely have more privacy than you can imagine.
Being spontaneous doesn't have to be a difficult.
Just remember, you can just walk over to your partner right now, and jump on him or her.
Have fun!

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