Video: How to Remove a Fake Tan
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Dr. Neal Schultz, Host of DermTV, Founder of Beauty RX Skin Care, and today we're in my Manhattan office talking to you about, how to fix a fake tan, or how to remove a fake tan, and this is real important, because a fake tan is the only safe tan, and we don't want you to be afraid to get a fake tan for fear that it won't be even or that you can't get rid of it when you're ready to get rid of it, because it's so important to remember that the only safe tan is a fake tan. Fake tans can be a applied by yourself, they can be sprayed on in salons, you can get them a whole lot of different ways, and usually they can come out great. But in order for them to come out the best, you want to make sure that you've been exfoliated. The way fake tans work is by staining dead cells. So it's real important if you want your fake tan to be even, make sure that you're exfoliated, meaning removing the dead cells before you get your fake tan. If you go to a professional salon where they spray it on, they're going to exfoliate you, if you're using an at home self-tanner, make sure that you're using a chemical exfoliant before you do. That's a very important tip because that explains how you're going to remove your fake tan, either because you're just tired of it, you're done with it, or maybe it didn't come on completely evenly and you want to just even it out, since you now know how it works, is by staining those dead cells, if we remove the stained dead cells, that's how you're going to remove the fake tan. If we're talking about your face, I particularly like glycolic exfoliants, and for your face I like pads. So I'm taking out one of these pads, this is a 10 percent glycolic pad, and the reason why I love pads for the face is because they're so convenient, easy to use, and you can get them into all the nooks and crannies to make sure it's nice an even. Now what about if it's on the body? Lotions work much better and they're easier to apply. This is a 10 percent glycolic lotion. I just put a little bit on, it spreads real easy, you do it once, maybe you do it again 12 hours later, or perhaps even 12 hours after that. And that's the best way to help remove, either blotched fake tans or fake tans when you're done with them. It's so important that if you really want that extra color, if you want that fake tan, make sure that you're doing it on exfoliated skin so it comes out more evenly. Of all the chemical exfoliants, glycolic is the gold standard, that's the one you want to get, so that's how you're going to fix your fake tan or remove your fake tan. I'm Dr. Neal Schultz, and it's easy, so don't be afraid of a fake tan, the only safe tan.