5 Great Weight Loss Motivation Tips
What do you do to muster up some weight loss motivation? Especially when a new episode of House is on TV, or you really would just rather eat a pizza and take a nap? That is one of the biggest problems I have had on my way to a body I'm actually happy with.
I know I want to workout but I just can't seem to find the motivation to do so.
I tend to make sure I start on Monday and I'm usually pretty energized to get started, but then I get to Wednesday.
I'm still sore from Monday and all these other things seem like much better ideas.
Ever happened to you? Well I've compiled a few of my favorite ways to motivate myself to exercise so that I can actually have a shot at achieving those weight loss goals I always set.
) Take a before picture: Strip down to your undies and snap a few pictures.
And then every day that you are thinking about skipping your workout for something a little more desirable, take a look at those pictures.
This can be HUGELY motivating! I see myself standing there, unhappy and out of shape and I get a feeling.
It's kind of a cross between a disgusted feeling and an adrenaline rush.
I feel as though I have to do something about this RIGHT NOW.
(It will also be motivating after you have worked out consistently for 4 weeks and then take the new pictures so you can see all the progress you made) 2.
) Create a calendar: I know this doesn't seem very motivating at first glance, but give it a shot it works! Print off a calendar from the internet or use a dry erase board.
Then put all your workouts for the month on there.
Next, as that day comes and goes, fill in the box with green if you did your workout and red if you missed it.
Put this where you and everyone can see it often.
Don't let it turn red! 3.
) Start a competition with friends: I love this one! I used to do this every year with my friends from work.
Everyone would agree to a wager, $20.
00 a person or winner gets a free lunch.
You then have a weigh in with everyone present and set a deadline.
You will be extremely motivated to workout if your friend in the cubicle down the hall is looking slimmer each day.
Even if you don't win, that push you get from competing with your friends might be enough to get you off the couch and out on the trail! 4.
) Sign up for a 5k: I have this dream of running a marathon with my fiancé in Rome, Italy.
She is a great runner and I'm overweight and asthmatic.
But you have to do these things step by step.
So although I can only run for 3 minutes without stopping currently, I am going to be signing up for a 5k that is not to far down the road.
This is going to force me to go out there and run a little bit farther every single day until I can get a 5k down.
Once I reach that goal I am just one step closer to Rome! Give it a shot! 5.
) Read an inspiring book: This one works really well for me.
I will be doing some book reviews on this site in the future on books that have really inspired me and I think everyone needs to read.
I read one of these books and I can't wait to get out the door to workout! The stories of transformation or great athletes and their accomplishments are undeniably inspirational.
I'll give you a few good ones here: - Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine: Great book and great story! If you want to read about a guy who had guts, this is the book.
This is the reason I want to run that marathon.
- The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest.
This book is a must! A team of researchers goes to the ends of the earth to find communities of people who have the highest rate of 100+ year old people.
He gets down to details to show you what they do differently that makes them avoid almost completely the top 3 killers in America.
- It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life.
Read an inspiring story about the obstacles Lance Armstrong had to overcome to become the greatest cyclist the world has ever seen.
Truly inspirational! I hope someone finds these helpful and can get themselves motivated to change their life for the better!
I know I want to workout but I just can't seem to find the motivation to do so.
I tend to make sure I start on Monday and I'm usually pretty energized to get started, but then I get to Wednesday.
I'm still sore from Monday and all these other things seem like much better ideas.
Ever happened to you? Well I've compiled a few of my favorite ways to motivate myself to exercise so that I can actually have a shot at achieving those weight loss goals I always set.
) Take a before picture: Strip down to your undies and snap a few pictures.
And then every day that you are thinking about skipping your workout for something a little more desirable, take a look at those pictures.
This can be HUGELY motivating! I see myself standing there, unhappy and out of shape and I get a feeling.
It's kind of a cross between a disgusted feeling and an adrenaline rush.
I feel as though I have to do something about this RIGHT NOW.
(It will also be motivating after you have worked out consistently for 4 weeks and then take the new pictures so you can see all the progress you made) 2.
) Create a calendar: I know this doesn't seem very motivating at first glance, but give it a shot it works! Print off a calendar from the internet or use a dry erase board.
Then put all your workouts for the month on there.
Next, as that day comes and goes, fill in the box with green if you did your workout and red if you missed it.
Put this where you and everyone can see it often.
Don't let it turn red! 3.
) Start a competition with friends: I love this one! I used to do this every year with my friends from work.
Everyone would agree to a wager, $20.
00 a person or winner gets a free lunch.
You then have a weigh in with everyone present and set a deadline.
You will be extremely motivated to workout if your friend in the cubicle down the hall is looking slimmer each day.
Even if you don't win, that push you get from competing with your friends might be enough to get you off the couch and out on the trail! 4.
) Sign up for a 5k: I have this dream of running a marathon with my fiancé in Rome, Italy.
She is a great runner and I'm overweight and asthmatic.
But you have to do these things step by step.
So although I can only run for 3 minutes without stopping currently, I am going to be signing up for a 5k that is not to far down the road.
This is going to force me to go out there and run a little bit farther every single day until I can get a 5k down.
Once I reach that goal I am just one step closer to Rome! Give it a shot! 5.
) Read an inspiring book: This one works really well for me.
I will be doing some book reviews on this site in the future on books that have really inspired me and I think everyone needs to read.
I read one of these books and I can't wait to get out the door to workout! The stories of transformation or great athletes and their accomplishments are undeniably inspirational.
I'll give you a few good ones here: - Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine: Great book and great story! If you want to read about a guy who had guts, this is the book.
This is the reason I want to run that marathon.
- The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest.
This book is a must! A team of researchers goes to the ends of the earth to find communities of people who have the highest rate of 100+ year old people.
He gets down to details to show you what they do differently that makes them avoid almost completely the top 3 killers in America.
- It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life.
Read an inspiring story about the obstacles Lance Armstrong had to overcome to become the greatest cyclist the world has ever seen.
Truly inspirational! I hope someone finds these helpful and can get themselves motivated to change their life for the better!