Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Reasons Why Dental Flossing Is an Important Habit to Start

When children are taught the importance of brushing their teeth every day, they are only being taught what their parents learned when they were their age.
Too many children do not learn the importance of using dental flossing in addition to brushing, especially if their parents never learned.
It is just so easy to do; it is a mystery as to why more children and their parents do not add it to their daily regimen of dental hygiene.
What Dental Flossing Can Do For Your Health It is a well-known fact that brushing teeth can keep bacteria away and will improve your breath and the appearance of your smile.
Unfortunately, even the top of the line toothbrush cannot reach everywhere and food particles can still be caught between teeth and in the gum line.
Over time, if those food particles are not removed, they can attract bacteria, the one thing that will eventually destroy your teeth.
Bacteria cause the enamel of your teeth to break down and if they are in the gum line, can lead to gum disease.
By using dental floss every day, you can remove food particles far easier than you can with just a toothbrush, or even with mouthwash.
In addition, with all the new varieties of floss available on the market today, you can do even more than just clean between teeth, you can even use it to whiten your teeth and sweeten your breath when you cannot have access to mouthwash, or a toothbrush.
Easy To Use No matter what kind of floss you choose to use, learning how to floss is so easy to understand.
The American Dental Association recommends using at least 18 inches of floss in every flossing session, because that length should give you enough clean floss to run between every tooth that you can reach.
To begin, wrap the ends of the floss around a finger on each hand.
You then run a portion of the floss between and around every tooth you can reach, using a clean section in every move.
You should see bits of food particles being loosened, or adhering to the floss.
Everyone has his or her own preference as to how to floss, as well as when to floss.
Flossing is great to do after lunch or other meals when you know that you will not be able to brush your teeth right away.
Some people prefer to floss before brushing, to loosen the food particles so that the toothbrush can sweep them away.
Still others will floss after brushing, so that any food particles the brush may have missed will be taken care of.
Types of Floss There is currently a wide variety of dental flossing materials available on the marketplace.
From waxed to plain, the basic dental floss can be flavored, or even used to whiten your teeth in much the same way as strips and mouthwash can.
For those who prefer to use an electric toothbrush there is even an electric flossing counterpart for those who are not comfortable flossing with their hands, if that is your preference.

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