Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Chicken Coop Plans - 3 Dirty Secrets to Maximize the Performance of the Coop Exposed!

Are you getting the most of your chicken coop? Studies have shown that 73 percent of chicken houses do not deliver the maximum performance that they should! We reveal the secret in how to maximize the performance of your coop! Chicken coops are getting more and more popular these days, the reason? They are proved to produce more eggs, and more eggs means more revenue! Chickens in a coop produce up to 40 percent more eggs then a chicken with no coop.
Most people will tell you that their coop did not made any difference on the production of eggs.
This leads me to write this article! Chicken coop does make a huge difference! It really produces more eggs, the reason why people do not see these results is because they do not know how to use it! In order to maximize the performance of your coop and to get 40 percent more eggs you need to make sure that you do the following things: #1 place your coop on an inclined surface, were the entrance door is towards the inclination.
This will create a sort of draining system of the building and it will also guide the birds to get into the building.
#2 build a wire fence around the building.
This will protect the chickens from the potential predators.
#3 create at least 2 windows for ventilation purpose.
This will create a ventilation system, fresh air is really important.
These 3 simple changes do make a huge difference! These changes provide extra comfort, protection and love.
Perfect ingredients to get more eggs from your chickens!

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