Business & Finance Finance

A Denver Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney

In the past few years in this country, more people have gone through more financial problems than they have in many decades. This is due to many factors. The financial recession that has impacted the United States as well as other areas of the world is one of the primary reasons for this. This recession has caused many people some great levels of financial stress. After the housing bubble burst people soon saw the values of their homes plummet. In addition, many people have been laid off or have seen their wages go down. With lower wages and more debts, this has created a scenario for many people that seems almost impossible to get out of. Those who are in this situation will often have to deal with creditors calling all hours of the day. These creditors are often very aggressive and will stop at nothing to collect the debt. Most of these individuals would be glad to pay the debts if they actually had the financial capability of doing so. The problem is, that when the financial debts and obligations call for more money than that which is coming in, there is a real problem. Most of these individuals will do all that they can to find additional employment or better employment so that they can pay their debts. The problem is that there are fewer good jobs available in the current economic climate. These individuals who are in debt may also attempt to get some credit counseling, but this is usually also met with limited success. In fact, many of these credit counseling companies are actually looking to take advantage of people who are in difficult financial situations. In many cases, the most viable option would be to contact a Denver Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney.

A first visit with a Denver Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney will generally be free of charge. During this initial visit, the attorney will usually explain exactly what bankruptcy is and what the process can mean for the person who files. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is actually the most common form of bankruptcy. In this type of bankruptcy the person who files will be allowed to keep some property that is exempt from possession by the state, such as the home that the person lives in. It is also possible to reaffirm certain debts during the course of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This means that if the person is willing to keep making the payments then he could keep that particular asset. For instance, most people choose to keep at least one car so that they can get wherever they need to. If that car has a loan on it, then the person may reaffirm that debt, keep paying the payments, and he will usually be able to keep that car. Most people who do declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Denver are really looking to get rid of all of their unsecured debt. The most common form of unsecured debt is credit cards. During most Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases the person who is filing will be able to get rid of all of this type of debt.

The hiring of a Denver chapter 7 bankruptcy [] attorney is actually an essential part of this process. Some people do try to go through the process without an attorney, but it is extremely difficult, and most people later say that they wish that they would have used the attorney. The attorney will help the one who is filing for bankruptcy fill out all of the necessary paperwork. He will also be representing that person in court and helping him through that anxious process.

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