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How Cellulite Develops and What You Can Do to Prevent It

Many people wonder how cellulite develops.
Some believe that it is simply fat, and if you lose weight it will disappear.
Others believe that it only happens to women who are overweight.
The truth is that neither of those statements is true.
In fact anyone can develop cellulite, regardless of their weight, activity level, or gender.
If you take the time to learn how it develops, you can work toward preventing and even getting rid of it.
What Causes Cellulite? Cellulite is a direct result of fat becoming trapped within the connective tissues of the body.
Fat gets trapped within these tissues because they are irregularly shaped.
This is why anyone can develop cellulite.
The irregularly shaped connective tissues can form within anyone, but tend to be more prevalent in women.
When you are born with these oddly shaped tissues, you will always be at risk of developing cellulite.
While it is true that overweight people tend to have more fatty deposits which can become trapped in the tissues, if a thin person had all of their fat deposited in one location, then cellulite would form on their skin as well.
What Causes That Cottage Cheese Look? We have all seen that cottage cheese look on people's thighs, bottoms, or hips, perhaps you have even seen it on your own body.
This rippled or dimple effect is caused when the fat builds up within the connective tissue and becomes trapped.
As the fat builds up, it pushes against the skin causing bumps on that area of the body.
How You Can Prevent It? Once you learn how cellulite develops, you can begin to learn the steps you can take to prevent it.
Living a healthy lifestyle is the best thing that you can do to prevent cellulite from developing.
This includes eating a diet that is full of fresh foods, as well as high in lean protein.
Another important part of preventing cellulite development is regular exercise.
Regular cardio exercise will eliminate the fat from your body, making it less of a probability that it will build up and form cellulite.
Stretching and breathing exercises help to push the fat that is already within the tissues out, so that they can be eliminated from the body, and it also helps in the removal of harmful toxins.
Drinking plenty of water or juice is yet another good cellulite prevention technique.
Water is a natural body cleansing agent, and it can push the bad toxins that help to cause cellulite out of the body.
In order to learn how to prevent cellulite, you must first learn how cellulite develops.
Cellulite is caused by the same thing no matter who it affects.
Irregularly shaped connective tissues can trap fat within them, which continues to buildup and push against the skin.
Although cellulite is unattractive and can bring down your self esteem, there are things that you can do to prevent it and treat it once it has formed.

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