Tips For 6 Pack Abs
Whether old or young, male or female, there are few of us who do not lust after a rock hard abdomen.
There are all sorts of products and training programmes advertised which claim to be able to help you build a six-pack, but there is no substitute for hard work and you needn't pay a fortune to achieve your goal.
Here are six tips that should help.
Take a holistic approach It is impossible to lose fat from just one area of the body.
If you are overweight then you need to consume less calories.
Weight loss coupled with ab exercises is the way to do.
Reveal your abs Getting a good six pack is less about building up the abdominal muscles and more about burning off the belly fat that covers them.
Cardio vascular workouts are the best answer for this.
You should try short very vigorous bursts of activity interspersed with slower exercise.
If you spend time in the gym most of the equipment there can be set on a cardio routine and will do the thinking for you.
You are what you eat.
Stop drinking anything except for water.
Alcohol and soft drinks contain a lot of empty calories.
Ditching them from your diet will make a lot of difference.
Eat five or six small meals per day, this will help keep hunger pangs at bay and will increase your metabolism so you burn fat faster.
Make sure that you include plenty of fresh food in your diet and aim to eat less calories than you burn - you should aim for a weight loss of a couple of pounds per week as this is easier to sustain than a more rapid loss.
Sit-ups - forget them Sit-ups can cause back problems and only use the ab muscles isometrically.
There are better, more targeted, less painful forms of exercise.
Try these exercises The best route to hard abs is to rotate a few different exercises as each has a slightly different effect on the area.
Crunches are very effective - try to pull your bottom rib to your hip.
Then try again whilst pushing weights.
Hang from a bar and pull your knees up to your chest (this one is good for toning the arms too) 6.
Persevere! A little at a time will work wonders if you stick with it.
Don't give up, and don't expect instant results - you need to be patient.
Good luck!
There are all sorts of products and training programmes advertised which claim to be able to help you build a six-pack, but there is no substitute for hard work and you needn't pay a fortune to achieve your goal.
Here are six tips that should help.
Take a holistic approach It is impossible to lose fat from just one area of the body.
If you are overweight then you need to consume less calories.
Weight loss coupled with ab exercises is the way to do.
Reveal your abs Getting a good six pack is less about building up the abdominal muscles and more about burning off the belly fat that covers them.
Cardio vascular workouts are the best answer for this.
You should try short very vigorous bursts of activity interspersed with slower exercise.
If you spend time in the gym most of the equipment there can be set on a cardio routine and will do the thinking for you.
You are what you eat.
Stop drinking anything except for water.
Alcohol and soft drinks contain a lot of empty calories.
Ditching them from your diet will make a lot of difference.
Eat five or six small meals per day, this will help keep hunger pangs at bay and will increase your metabolism so you burn fat faster.
Make sure that you include plenty of fresh food in your diet and aim to eat less calories than you burn - you should aim for a weight loss of a couple of pounds per week as this is easier to sustain than a more rapid loss.
Sit-ups - forget them Sit-ups can cause back problems and only use the ab muscles isometrically.
There are better, more targeted, less painful forms of exercise.
Try these exercises The best route to hard abs is to rotate a few different exercises as each has a slightly different effect on the area.
Crunches are very effective - try to pull your bottom rib to your hip.
Then try again whilst pushing weights.
Hang from a bar and pull your knees up to your chest (this one is good for toning the arms too) 6.
Persevere! A little at a time will work wonders if you stick with it.
Don't give up, and don't expect instant results - you need to be patient.
Good luck!