Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Coaching Tools - Do You Know the Secrets to Signing Up Coaching Clients?

To have a successful life coaching business, you must answer the question "what motivates people to begin coaching"? Why do potential clients make the decision to purchase your coaching or your products? Is it because you appeal to their sense of logic? No, not a chance, the fact is people buy based on emotion.
They buy because they want something that they believe will benefit them.
If you make a strong emotional appeal to their needs then potential clients will buy your coaching.
The question is how do you do that, when do you make that appeal, and where do you make that emotional connection? Answer the question "What does your coaching client want or need"? You must have defined and know your target coaching niche before you can think about determining their wants or needs.
Once you have defined your target coaching niche, ask yourself and your clients or potential clients what their problems and challenges are.
You have some idea if you have researched your target but the best way is to speak directly to your market and get their answers.
Survey you target coaching niche and determine the ten greatest challenges, needs and desires.
Then determine all the smaller problems that result from the larger more basic challenges.
Get intimate with your target coaching niche.
Describe the challenges your target coaching niche faces in detail.
Speak to the specific problems and challenges that result from the main problems.
You develop a strong bond with your potential coaching clients when they know you understand them.
Speak to the emotion of the challenge and the emotion of the solution.
How much more pain do they want? When a potential client is facing challenges there are several options available to them.
They can do nothing which will result in the problem continuing or growing.
They can react in a way that may not be productive or beneficial or they can work with a coach to clearly define the challenge and explore all possible resolutions.
Make it clear that working with you as their coach is the best choice.
How does your coaching or product satisfy your client's need or challenge? How can you help your target coaching niche find a solution or overcome a challenge or problem? Let your potential coaching client know that you have helped others overcome similar challenges and you can help them too.
When you share that you have a system or a program that others have used to overcome similar challenges.
Invite the client to reach some solutions and overcome their challenges by coaching with you.
This is the point that too many coaches drop the ball.
They freak out, get scared, feel pushy and don't ask the client to take the action that will serve the best.
Get over it! If the potential client does not sign up for coaching they are not going to solve their problems, overcome their challenges, or reach their goals and neither are you! When you can help someone get what they want then they are happy to pay you handsomely for your help so ask for the order and the credit card.

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