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Test Prep App Vs. Test Prep Book

Test Prep App Vs. Test Prep Book

So. You're looking for test prep. You're scouring the internet, scrutinizing test prep companies, trying to determine which of the dozens of test prep companies will work best for your needs. Budget. Time. You finally settle on a test prep company after considering the four major things you need to consider before deciding on one, but then have to determine whether to go with the test prep book or the test prep app.

How do you decide?

Well, here are the advantages of both methods. It's a classic showdown. One versus another. In this case, will the test prep app or the test prep book prevail for you?

Not sure if one of these is even the method you should be using? Perfect. This is just one bout in a whole slew of Test Prep Matches, where I pit one study method vs. another for your test preparation pleasure. Don't like either one of these options? Then head over to the Battles and see if something else rings your bell.

*Ding! Ding! Ding*

Knock-Out Punches of a Test Prep App

Let's face it: a test prep app is awesome. It has a ton of advantages over a test prep book. Here are just three.
  1. Mobility. Have you ever tried hauling around a test prep book and the accompanying CD-Rom? When you're in the subway station or waiting in line at Starbucks there's no way you can casually work your way through GRE practice problems in a book. A test prep app gives you the ability to learn on the go. 
  2. Gaming. Many test prep apps set up their studying in such a way that you barely realize you're studying for a test at all; you're playing a game, and oh, by the way, you're learning strategies for the ACT. Brilliant.

  1. Hands-On Learning. Kinesthetic learners, rejoice. An app allows your fingers to stay busy while your mind engages. Kinesthetic learners need this kind of active engagement and scratching out a few practice problems in a test prep book just doesn't cut it. 

Knock-Out Punches of a Test Prep Book

Purchasing a test prep book instead of downloading an app has advantages, too - some that may actually surprise you. 
  1. Reputation. An app may have some shortcomings that a book just will not have. A book has been thoroughly reviewed by a team if it's from a reputable test prep company. An app can be uploaded by any yahoo with the basics in computer science. You never know what you'll get when you purchase an app. 
  2. Thoroughness. A book will often cover material not covered in an app. A book has the room to expand on strategies and show you a lot of content at one time. An app, because it's typically presenting material on a small device, will often condense much-needed material.
  3. Real-Life Experience. If you're taking a standardized test, you will not be taking it on a little phone, standing in line at Target. You'll be seated at a desk with just the materials in front of you, whether it's a computer or a pencil-and-paper test. You'll be more likely to simulate the actual test-taking conditions if you purchase a book and study at home than you will on the go.

*Ding! Ding! Ding*

And the Winner is...

So, which would you prefer? Which fits best into your life? A test prep book from a reputable test prep company or a test prep app from the same?

Here's my recommendation:
  • Go With an App If: You're the type of person who cannot sit still. You literally have no time for long test prep sessions between classes, work and life in general. You like gaming!
  • Go With a Test Prep Book If: You're a quiet, self-motivated student. You comprehend what you ready really well. You get distracted when you study in a busy place. 

Test Prep Book and Test Prep App Options

If you want to start looking for options, here are a few to get you started:

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