Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

LipoSelection, The Liposuction Alternative?

Liposuction used to be the only way you could remove unwanted fat from your body. Today, there are various ways, such as LipoSelection, which is a new way to precisely and efficiently remove unwanted fat. Unlike liposuction, LipoSelection uses state-of-the-art technology to reshape your body by first liquefying then removing fat from the body - providing smooth results. Unlike the long downtime of liposuction, patients report low to minimal pain, swelling and bruising with LipoSelection.
Is LipoSelection for me?
If you are frustrated by the resistance of certain body areas to diet and exercise, and don't want to go through a painful liposuction, then LipoSelection can provide a solution. If you are healthy and seeking a fast, low-pain solution for stubborn fat deposits, then LipoSelection procedure could be your answer. Just like liposuction, there are limits to the amount of fat that can be removed. Your doctor can assist you with your decision about potential areas for sculpting, anticipated results and recovery process.
Doctors have experienced great success in treating all the following areas: abdomen, thighs, knees, buttocks, hips, back, arms, male breasts, love handles, chin and neck areas.
What happens during LipoSelection?
First the area to be reshaped is filled with a special saline solution that helps numb the site and shrink the blood vessels (to minimize blood loss and reduce bruising). This solution wets and fills the area to be treated, making it easier to break up fatty tissue with the system's sound energy. Then a small probe transmits sound energy that fragments fatty tissue on contact, while leaving other important tissues relatively intact. Finally the liquefied fat is removed through a gentle suction process designed to minimize damage to surrounding tissue.
What is my anticipated recovery time?
This varies with the extensiveness of the LipoSelection - the amount of fat removed, the number of sites treated, and so on. It is important to establish realistic expectations through discussion with your doctor.

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