Health & Medical Healthy Living

Home Remedy for Rejuvenation

    Vitamin B12

    • Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, works within the body to convert carbohydrates from food into energy, or glucose. This vitamin is among the B vitamin complex family, which are all necessary to achieve proper liver function and have healthy hair, eyes and skin. Because vitamin B12, as well as all other B vitamins, are water soluble, the body is unable to store them, thus supplementation or eating foods that contain these vitamins is essential. According to the University of Maryland's Medical Center, a B12 deficiency can cause extreme fatigue. People who do not consume animal proteins--such as vegans--are more prone to having a vitamin B12 deficiency. To enhance energy levels, adults over the age of 19 should consume 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day. This can be achieved by taking a daily multivitamin.


    • Most herbal stimulants contain alkaloids, such as caffeine, to temporarily provide rejuvenation. While these alkaloids increase the amount of energy, they can become habitual and even increase the possibility of cardiac arrest or stroke. Licorice is an herbal stimulant that is free from any alkaloids. The rejuvenation quality of this herb is caused by glycyrrhizin, flavonoids, triterpene glycosides and phenolics. These compounds work with the adrenal hormones to regulate and sustain an active metabolism. By stimulating the adrenal system, the body will utilize its natural energy resources, such as fat cells, to increase energy levels.

      Licorice should be used only for eight weeks to provide rejuvenation. Begin by taking 2 grams of a licorice root supplement, which should contain at least 4 percent glycyrrhizin, 3 times per day. Continue this routine for six weeks and on the seventh week, begin to reduce the dose by consuming 2 grams of the supplement two times per day. The first three days of the eighth week, only take one serving (2 grams) once per day and then take one serving every other day for the remaining four days.


    • There are two types of ginseng available: Asian ginseng, or P. ginseng, and American ginseng, or P. quinquefolius. According to a study performed by the University of Munich, male athletes were able to enhance their oxygen uptake while those on the placebo were not. This suggests that ginseng can enhance athletic performance and provide a higher level of energy. Ginseng is comprised of vitamins, minerals and ginsenosides, which react like steroids within the body. To enhance rejuvenation through ginseng, consume 100 milligrams three times per day with 8 ounces of water. Those with high blood pressure should avoid ginseng as it can cause adverse reactions. Speak with your doctor before taking this, or any, herbal stimulant.

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